Friday, March 23, 2012


Oh. My. Word. GUESS WHAT I'M SEEING TONIGHT!!!!!! Yes, the one and only THE HUNGER GAMES!!!! I died today. I started flipping out at lunch and all my friends thought I was bananas!

Dude, I might die. When I come back after the movie, I might put a post/review for the movie. It's going to be AMAZING!!!

Did anyone go to the midnight showing? If so, I would love to hear your amazing stories and things you saw (costumes, crazy people ect). If you're one of the fans that can't go till next weekend, or the weekend after that or so on, I am truly sorry.

If your parents won't take you or won't let you see it, then I am TRULY DEEPLY sorry. Sad sad day.

And by the way, HAPPY SAMMY KEYES DAY!!!! If you never read Steph's SK blog, then you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. Ya see, Steph (an extreme SK fan who just recently deleted both her blogs) declared all Fridays to be SK day, and the 13th of every month to be Cammy day. And Friday the 13 is just a freaking Sammy + Cammy day where we all throw parties. Yes. So, I just wanted to remind that today we will be celebrating Sammy Keyes. So, if you would like, to honor Sammy, tell me/everyone who reads this blog what your favorite Sammy moment is and what Sammy moment affected you emotionally/scene she inspired you. I guess I'll post my answers after the movie/ tomorrow, because I REALLY have to go to the bathroom.

Good Bye.


  1. You lucky dog! I can't go until this weekend or if I can't go then, then not until it comes out at Redbox! So unfair!
    And HAPPY SK DAY! My favorite Sammy moments are either the last page in Wedding Crasher when they are riding away on their skateboards holding hands because I can totally picture that or when she takes Heather, Monet, and Tenille out all by herself. I just love how she took them out all by herself (and flung Heather into Tenille! Awesome!) and then Mr. Caan is all like good job! And the moment that affected me the most emotionally is when she jumps over the railing (in a dress!) and saves her mom! I mean even though she isn't on the best of terms with her she still is crying and having her throw up. And the one where she inspired me the most is when in Snake Eyes when instead of going to play the championship game in soft ball she goes and saves Lena. She gave up something really important to her to help someone else! (The moment when she beats the Gang guy up (totally blanking on his name) is also on of my favorites! Especially the concreting his butt in the wheelbarrow! Priceless!)
    What are yours?
    (And Steph if you see this We miss you!)

  2. Ok, i was at a sleepover party thing last night for one of my best friends birthdays. my little sis, Jamie, couldn't go and she was mad. well, i just came home and found out that my dad and Jamie went WITHOUT ME!!! Neither of them have read the books!!! i got soooo mad!
    Mrs. Billy Pratt.
