Saturday, June 2, 2012

There are just TOO many Questions...

Is that the cover and FULL first chapter of mark of Athena? Heck yes. But here's the thing, check out this little, um, summery thing:

In a fantastical ship called the Argo II, seven demigods journey by air across the United States and by sea to Rome on their quest to defeat the earth mother, Gaea. Meanwhile, war is breaking out between the Roman and Greek demigods they left behind, and only Annabeth holds the key to restoring peace.

Look at that last sentence. Stare at it. Well, that's not confusing, right? I thought Jason, Annabeth, Leo and Piper were the only ones on the Argo II. It's pretty much says, right? In the first chapter? So what Greeks are they leaving behind? And another disturning thought: This little summery makes me think that Annabeth stays behind. I REALLY thought Annabeth was the last member of the seven. What if someone else is the 7th, and Annabeth is there in New Rome trying to stop the Greeks and Romans from killing each other. I mean, wouldn't it make sense to have one of the POVs to be someone who as at the Roman camp the whole time so we can see their progress? But then what about Annabeth having to find the Doors of Death...Hera/Juno said that Annabeth had a very difficult job ahead of her and that she didn't know if she could handle it. What if that Job is uniting the Greeks and Romans. But then why would Annabeth cause trouble for Percy, like Hera/Juno said she would? This is just so confusing.

And then the cover? Hey, is that Percy and Jason fighting? That'll be exciting-but Percy will win. It appears that Percy is riding on Blackjack and Jason maybe on his storm spirit horse from the Lost Hero. Rick says that this is a real scene. I wonder if the water and storm  under them will actually be there in the scene-you know, like them using their powers?

Okay, so, if order for a fight to occur, there needs to be tension and such, right? So...who will start the fight? I'm leaning more towards Jason, and not just becuase I like Percy better (which is totally true) but because Percy has never really started a fight unless someone either 1. Was a jerk to him (Clarisse/Nancy Bobofit) 2. Was a jerk to his friends (Matt/ Nancy) or 3.Endangered his home/he was forced to fight/Betrayle (Kronos/Luke). So, Percy's not one to initally start a fight, right? I mean, there was Ares, but he had it coming-he freaking stole the Lightning Bolt and almost killed him, his friends, and his family. So...what did Jason do to him? I mean, Jason could be frusterated about the Praetor thing- Jason after all was dressed like a Praetor, even though he got replaced, talk about embarassing- and...that Percy found the Standard, and brought honor back to the 5th Cohort, when Jason couldn't. Man, Jason's life kinda sucks right now, but I don't feel empithy- after all, he got it way nicer in LH then Percy did in SoN, so ha.

I just found this FULL summery on Rick's blog:

Annabeth is terrified. Just when she’s about to be reunited with Percy—after six months of being apart, thanks to Hera—it looks like Camp Jupiter is preparing for war. As Annabeth and her friends Jason, Piper, and Leo fly in on the Argo II, she can’t blame the Roman demigods for thinking the ship is a Greek weapon. With its steaming bronze dragon masthead, Leo’s fantastical creation doesn’t appear friendly. Annabeth hopes that the sight of their praetor Jason on deck will reassure the Romans that the visitors from Camp Half-Blood are coming in peace.

And that’s only one of her worries. In her pocket Annabeth carries a gift from her mother that came with an unnerving demand: Follow the Mark of Athena. Avenge me. Annabeth already feels weighed down by the prophecy that will send seven demigods on a quest to find—and close— the Doors of Death. What more does Athena want from her?

Annabeth’s biggest fear, though, is that Percy might have changed. What if he’s now attached to Roman ways? Does he still need his old friends? As the daughter of the goddess of war and wisdom, Annabeth knows she was born to be a leader, but never again does she want to be without Seaweed Brain by her side.

Narrated by four different demigods, The Mark of Athena is an unforgettable journey across land and sea to Rome, where important discoveries, surprising sacrifices, and unspeakable horrors await. Climb aboard the Argo II, if you dare. . . .

So why does Athena want revenge? Hmmm, maybe Annabeth will come along...
I would love to hear any ideas you guys have on Mark of Athena!

So, apparently Steph is not blogging anymore. For those of you who didn't know and were wondering where the heck she went, she's quitting Blogger and all that. She also said she's probably not going to keep up with us :'(. Steph, I already miss you!

So, I was really bored, so I did some Quizilla things and got some pretty messed up answers. No joke. Some of them are like that, and some of them are just me.


What kind of oatmeal are you?

You are plain oatmeal!

There's nothing special about you!
You are as bland as babyfood! Yuck!
Old people don't even want to eat you.

(I've been told that...)

What is your inner hair color?


You got the smarts! You got the grades! But you gotta open up! Let people get to know you! Socialize! You are so talented and your going to be very successful! Stand up to those bullies and say, "You know what? One day I'm gonna be your boss!" Keep up the hard work!

(That one is actually very true, I do school, don't like people-I think i'm backwards)

Which Form Of Matter Are You?


Your a liquid. This means your very moody. You probably find yourself bouncing from laughter to tears frequently. That's not always a bad thing though. Being moody makes you more of an interesting person, spending a day with you is like an adventure to others. That's because you can be very random or spontaneous at times. Like a solid, your very cool and relaxed. But, you can be quick to anger. And when your angry, nobody wants to mess with you.

(very true...)

What's your best quality?


Your best quality is that you're intelligent, emotionally and in exams. You know how to get out of tricky situations, what you want and where you're going, and you know who your real friends are.

(Yep, I know exactly what I'm going to do in life and who to trust...)

Which Hunger Games Guy Should You Date?


The best friend is where your heart belongs. You often go for guys that your close to and can trust with anything.

( To Juliet/Mrs. Billy Pratt: HAHAHAHA!!!! ;))

What word describes you


You are a person of success. You will make something big in this life and let everyone know that you are you.

(I'm an over Achiever is the problem- for some reason I like getting super high grades- I freaking got a 96%, two 98% and a 99% in my honors classes this semster- and last semeter (in the fall)I got about 100.2% and a 105% in two of my classes. I think I have a strange addiction, I mean I do extra credit for fun-that's not weird at all...)

What Avenger Would You Date

No One

You got no one! Your man has literally no qualities to him. He's like the faceless Prince Charming of Cinderella. So what if he has no flaws? He has no personality, either. Take this quiz again, and be more specific of the type of man you want.
(Wow, I have clue how I came up with that answer, becuase I don't want a Prince Charming.)

What makes you beautiful

You're persistant

Nothing can stop you from accomplishing wan you need or want to. You'll never give up if you believe wants right. Keep it up!
(Why thank you)

What Colour Is Your Aura

You have a blue aura!

Your aura is blue, like the sky on a sunny day, or the ocean. You are a very calm and relaxed person. You probably find yourself daydreaming in your spare time, or thinking about the future. You pay close attention to your emotions, and to others emotions as well. You like to care for others, and help other individuals with their problems. Others probably come to you often seeking advice about life because of your well thought out and caring answers. You can be described as being a dreamer, or a thinker. Your lucky stone is the sapphire, and you are ruled by the lungs.

(Part of that is true-I'm not actually that caring. I am a think though, very much so. I also daydream :))

Based on you Personality, What US State are you?


You don't stand out much, you roll with the flow. People don't mess with you as long as you don't mess with them. Lots of people know you. Awesome :)

(Wow...I knew I always liked Delaware...)

Which character are you from Sammy Keyes


You are most like Holly!Holly used to live with foster parents for a long time until she decided to run away from them...She then ended up living a box on the dried up riverbed...But thanks to Sammy(who found her and gave her a home) she now lives with Meg and Vera at the Pup Parlor!And she goes to school again!She also hates Heather Acosta...She also helps Sammy figure out the mystery's!She is usually up for anything!

(I'm a mixture of Sammy and Holly. I have Sammy's nosiness and her.. I don't know what you would call it, but I am partically Sammy (minus the getting into trouble part) and and part Holly (good student, careful ect). And, like Holly and Sammy, i am a thinker and refelector.

What Character Are You From "Percy Jackson & The Olympians"

You Are Annabeth!

You Are Smart, Loyal, Kind, Caring, Trustworthy, and Mature! You Are One Of Athena's Daughters! You're Best Friends Are Percy, Grover, and Thalia. You Despise Luke, and Can't Stand Anyone Who is Evil!
(Yep. That's me. And I am totally a Daughter of Athena.) that's  pretty much it. Oh, and that Monday (May 28) was my birthday and I turned 15. I'm getting sooooo old.

Lots of Love and super amazing stuff,


PS: I am actually working on a oneshot that I hope to put up soon, in case anyone wanted to know.



    I know I miss Steph too! But I email her sometimes.

    Yeah I am a mixture of Sammy and Holly too!

    Can't wait for your one-shot!


  2. Oh yeah? Well I got CAPTAIN AMERICA on which avenger would you date!!!! #1 for those of you playing back home: that is a pretty big deal for me.
    #2 for Jenna:
    (To Jenna/Mrs. Leo Valdez: HAHAHA!!!!!)
    But seriously, I freaking love you people.
    Ciao for now,
    Juliet Rogers-Pratt(long story)

  3. JENNA!!! WRITE A SAMMY KEYES POST ASAP!!!!! DO IT NOWWWWW!! I have an inside scoop that a certain person (ahem, Wendilin Van Draanen) may read your blog like now.
    So yeah.
    You may want to set your sights on that particular goal.
    Once again,
    Mrs. Juliet Rogers Pratt...(whatever...)
