Saturday, February 18, 2012

May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor...

I behind in the Hunger Games world!!! I feel ashamed! I just found this last night:

Capitol Couture is this fashion line or whatever. They even have their own nail polish line from China Glaze. Effie looks AMAZING. I actually think she looks very pretty in her pink outfit :). AND THERE IS A NEW TRAILER!!!! It's a the bottom!!!! Everyone says how the character pick wasn't perfect, but I beg to differ. Jennifer makes a perfect Katniss in my opinion. Even her eyes are a little gray-y. Yeah, she doesn't have black hair, and maybe her facial built might not be the same in the books. But I'm concerned in how she presents the character. Her tone when She speaks. And that sweet Gale/Katniss  moment in the new trailer? AWW! HE WON'T LET THEM STARVE KATNISS!!! Josh as Peeta is fantastic. Prim's scream is heartbreaking. Effie and Cinna and Caesar are perfect. I have amazing hopes for this movie and am looking forward to it. Maybe even more than I was to the Percy Jackson movie to be honest. A little over a month you guys, can you believe it?

I hope you have a wonderful 3/4 day weekend!!! Have you started your countdown to the Hunger Games movie? ;)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day...

So, this is a really late Valentines day post, but I was super busy. 

First off, who here thinks we should get Valentines day off? I do. It's a holiday, right? That doesn't mean I like the day, but still...Here's my deal with Valentines day-

Back in elementary school, I LOVED Valentines day. I mean, you get out of school work, do cheesy crafts and got candy! Par-tay! In middle school we had no parties. Not in high school either. So, I didn't any candy this year, and while I was in Geometry (my class right before lunch) I got to see all these "popular" people who have loads of friends eating their chocolate and candy. Mostly, they were the student council members or the people really involved in school. It was torture. I have a BIG sweet tooth. Chocolate is probably the best present you can give me. So I really don't like Valentines day. I mean, it's great if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend and all, but me? I don't even talk to boys. I don't even have a social life. Honestly. This (writing/reading fanfiction) is my social life. It's quite sad. But I do like it this way. I think people are annoying. And girls? I don't understand them.
So my friend, Jenny likes this one guy, and I mean really liked him, and he showed that he liked her too.
Then he got himself a girlfriend, Erin. Jenny hates Erin. And even I have to admit, she, Erin, can be pretty annoying. She whines a lot and complains. But still, Jenny says there are signs that he still likes her. Then, after obsessing over him for 5 months, she tells me she likes this other guy, along with the first guy. And my other friend Julie changes crushes/guys she's in love with every week. Why can't you just like the same guy for awhile! Jeez. And Jenny always brings up her "Guy/Erin Issue" and tells me I should hate Erin. I don't hate Erin. Sure she can be whiny and I might get annoyed, but hate?


And yeah, I talk to Erin in the mornings while we wait for the bus to pick us up for school. So Jenny is kind of upset, but honestly, I don't care.

Girls are just too emotional (not all ya'lls. You guys I actually love.) But yeah, enough about my friends.

I had a crisis today where I thought I about died. I had a research paper due today on King Louis XVI, which I procrastinated on. I realized at school that I forgot to do my bibliography. At my school, you need a teacher's pass to get on the Library's computers. So, my friend Anna told me that her Biology teacher had given her class a pass to go in any time of the week to do this project. YES!!! So I went in during lunch with her and typed it up. Phew! I almost died.

Then, In English (same class I had the paper in), the Guidance Counselors came in to discuss next year's classes. I want to be a middle school reading teacher. So, I chose Honors English II A/B, Honors Algebra II, College Algebra, Honors Biology, World History, Spanish II and Psychology and Sociology. (By the way, I am currently a Freshmen). I might even be thinking about doing something that's called the I.B program.

The I.B program is a program that is only offered at one school in my district. I don't like that school. It's full of stuck up rich snobs. But...with the I.B program I can graduate high school with my associates degree. But do I really want to change to some stupid snob school? I don't do good with change. I have still the end of sophomore year to decide, so I don't know...

Enough about that though.

So, I hear Steph is trying to get a book published. Steph, if you're reading this, I am SO proud of you. I've always wanted to publish a book, but later when I'm an adult. I just want to wish you good luck with trying to get your book publsihed. I'll buy it, for sure. I love you writing style :) You must be very dedicated. I have trouble updating my fanfics. *Sigh* I AM working on My Life's What Now?!", if anyone out there cares. I am motivating myself. I have Monday off, so HOPEFULLY it might be posted then, or next weekend (not this one coming up).

I hope you all have a great week!

I will always love you!

-Mrs. Leo Valdez

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sammy4Ever will always be in our hearts....

I am really behind in my Sammy Stalking. I feel ashamed. Sad, Sad day. So.....

I AM ABOUT TO BLOW A GASKET!!! (Is that a part of a car or something? Cuz I say that a lot....) The last Sammy book is many people's POV's?!!!!!!

From Wendelin's Post (In the comments):

Here's what went down:

Optimistic4ever said... Alexa: Ok, so I remember I asked a while back if there would be a book in Casey's POV, or maybe even in Heather's. Here's the answer I got...

The last book will apparently be in many different people's POVs.

Hopefully that will include Heather.

Wendelin's Response:

Wow, I'm behind on answering questions! Thank you O4E for picking up the slack. I'm looking forward to the last book (and the structure, POVs) but will be several years! No crying by anyone (but me!) Some of you will have moved on to other things (say it ain't so!) I'm just trying to enjoy the ride...and appreciate your company! Thanks bunches!

So, a lot of you may know this, but I sure didn't. We might get Heather's or Casey's or Marissa's POV. I'm interested to see what she does with it. PLUS, I want to see how other people view Sammy (Like we got to see Holly's perspective).

Anyways, I should be updating My Life's What Now?!, but I can't find my book. I read it somewhere in my house and now I can't find it. SO SORRY. I've been having MASSIVE wrtiters' block, but music has inspired me, so I should be getting knew story ideas. But then again, I also have lots of school work. Sigh.

Okay, I almost cried this morning. Sammy4ever is leaving. AND deleting her blog-which means all her funniness and stories will be gone :'(. SO, JUST IN CASE, I put all my favorite blog posts and her stories on a word document.

I will miss you Sammy4ever. Even if we didn't really know each other that well. But it feels like we're losing a Sammy Keyes family member. Of course you'll come back to visit, but still.  It's sad, but we all have to grow up. And, honestly,  a lot of us will stop our Sammy obsessions. But we will always remember when we get a million years old. I will miss you. I laughed at your posts, and they made my day :) Please come to visit.

RIP Sammy4ever's blog: Wild Things.