Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Two Weeks

2 weeks. 2 flipping weeks.

Yes, 2 weeks left until I am satisfied. 2 weeks until my life is complete. 2 weeks for a reunion.

Yes, 2 weeks.

2 weeks for the book we’ve all been waiting for.

The Mark of Athena.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS BOOK! If you have never read this series, you’re living under a rock. Go and read it, because it is amazing. Plus, the 2nd series has my husband in it, and I know you’re dying to meet him and understand why I love him so much.

But seriously? 2 weeks. It seems so close, yet so far. It’s taunting me, I’m telling you. I’ve been counting down the days. I mean, I remember when I held the Son of Neptune in my hands, when I opened it for the first time, when I smelt it for the first time. That was a year ago? It only seems like a few months back.

Time flies. It really does. But in this case, it’s good.


Things that I NEED to know right now:

1) How Jason and Percy will interact

2) How Jason will feel about being an ex-praetor

3) What Reyna will do when she sees Piper and Jason…together?

4) How the 7 will interact

5) Who are the 7th, for SURE? (I need this to be firmly and clearly established. You never know with Rick, he just loves to spring things on you)

6) How are Sammy and Leo related? (This is one of the only things that stump me)

7) THE PERCABETH REUNION!  (I hope it’s realistic though, and true to their characters)

Get it... 7 things I’m excited for…7 demigods of the prophecy…?


Okay then, moving on…

Freaking 2 weeks and these things will be answered. Oh, and Rick said Calypso was going to show up in the series…? WHAT!!!??? Oh, and I also can’t wait for the Roman’s reactions to Percy’s/the Greek’s stories. It’ll be great.


Anyways, I’m sorry I’ve been gone for a while. I’ve been reading these amazing books. Divergent/Insurgent anyone?  I freaking love these books. I haven’t read a book I like this much since…since…since…The Hunger Games. It’s freaking awesome. I love Four :)

I think that’s all I have to say right now…if I forgot anything I’ll just post something else.

Anyways, bye! I hope your having an amazing school year so far.

Lots of love and all that,

Jenna Valez.

(PS: My middle name is Reyna. I love that name.)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Scary Mary Returns....Hide Your Children...

What is up ya’ll?! Hope your having a terribly awesome day!

Just so you know, the second chapter of “When Fate Arises”, the new gigantic crossover I was telling you about, is up on Juliet’s blog! Here’s the link: http://psychlover.blogspot.com/2012/08/chapter-two-of-huge-crossover-thingy.html. Heck yes.

On a completely different note, I know Kylie (well, I’m pretty sure it was Kylie) asked me if I wanted to join in on the Sammy Keyes Tumbler idea (Ya know, where there are confessions of books, like “you’re a blank fan if…”) and I’m down for it. I’d make a book account specifically for books, and we could all make one, and all that. It sounds like fun. So, if you want to join in/support it, comment below to tell me so.

On another completely different note, I posted a new SK fic titled “When It All Comes Crashing Down”. Please read it? I know, it’s been a year since I posted any SK related story, but I’m back, baby! (At least I really hope). It’d be kind of devastating if I just disappeared. So I hope to see you guys more in the future.

Okay! I HAVE to show you something. In English class we were learning/reviewing tone and mood, so we looked at movie trailers and decided what the mood was. First we watched two different Titanic trailers: one was tragic and emotional and all the stuff, while one was scary and more action-y. Then we watched two Mary Poppins trailers: The first on was all magical and happy and nice, and the second one, you’ll have to see for yourself….


Yes, that one was fan made, but I started laughing my face off. If you couldn’t watch it, here’s the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T5_0AGdFic

It made my whole day. I love my English class…Speaking of which, has anyone read the book Graceling by Kristen Cashore? I’m reading it for an SSR (silent sustained reading) project, and I’m really digging it. Pretty much, it’s about a 10/11 year old girl named Katsa who has the Grace (or extremely great gift/skill) of fighting, and all this stuff happens. I’m only on chapter 8(ish) and it’s really good so far-it jumps straight into the action.  I just felt like telling you all.

I just decided something. I’m going to tell you about me, because I don’t know if all of you know me know me, if ya know what I mean.

So here’s a list: 10 Things About Me!

1. My name is Jenna Valdez. Heads up, in case you had no clue, this is a pseudonym. That’s not my real name. Jenna is a nickname I have, my friends Julie and Jenny gave it to me. And you probably have guessed that I gave them the nicknames Jenny and Julie? Yeah. It’s a pretty long story, so I go by Jenna online; I felt like spicing my life up a bit. You can probably guess that I get my last name from my one and only husband, Leo Valdez. Yes, we are official.

2. I dig the colors Red and Green. I think they describe me pretty well. Red because I do tend to be fierce and passionate and kinda-sort-of-maybe a little aggressive at times. Green because I’m pretty weird and quirky, like laughing in the middle of math class for no reason until my face is red. Heck yes, almost every day.

3. Characters I’m most like: Sammy/Holly mixture; I can be very…weird with words, kind of like Sammy can be sometimes... I’m snoopy and nosy, but am a good student, don’t like getting in trouble and keep to myself/am private. Katniss Everdeen: Loyal to my family, stubborn, doesn’t like people who act superior and generally doesn’t get why society does what it does. Annabeth Chase: I’m pretty smart, love books, love learning, I like doing research, doesn’t like sharing personal things with others, and can at times be pretty complicated. I can pretty much come off as scary sometimes. Other than that I’m told I’m just peachy.

4. I’m from Arizona, so I’m a heat person-I hate the cold/snow. I felt snow once before-never going back.

5. I LOVE chocolate and soda. They are my love.

6. I’m a diehard Christian. I’m nondenominational. (Which means I’m not Catholic, or Mormon, or Baptist, or Lutheran, or Presbyterian. I go to a “mega church”, but it’s not really big, well, at least my branch. I go every Sunday, then to Wednesday night group, then Life groups, then Friday night bible study. Dang I’m at church a lot. Who knew?)

7.  I love my family with all my heart. I have 7 people in my family, and they’re all great. (I’m the fourth kid). My mom and my sisters are my best friends :)

8. What else….I’m always on Fanfcition. It’s pretty much my hobby (well, besides actually reading the books themselves.)

9. I love the song “Who Says” by Selena Gomez. It’s pretty much what I believe in-everyone’s beautiful. But I think it matters if your beautiful on the inside, not just the outside. It’s something I strive toward  as an individual.

10: I LOVE LEO VALDEZ. Just in case you forgot. But seriously, he’s pretty cool, and not just because he’s funny. I love his past, and his relationship with his mom, and him not being sure of himself, and he hides all that under humor. He’s so flawed, and I love it. He seemed like the most realistic person on HoO.


Check out this picture, it pretty much describes my issue/I feel:

And these pictures are dedicated to Juliet, my bestest friend ever! ;):


Just kidding.
 These ones are seriously for you:

That's pretty much our relationship.

The rest of these pics are just ones that I like:


Anyways, I wanted When Fate Arises to be up already, but it didn’t work out {cough Juliet, cough}. But it WILL be up on FF.net soon. Like I said before, the 2nd chapter is on her blog, so check it out!

 So…see ya.

Lots of love and all that,




Saturday, August 18, 2012

The huge SK/PJO/AV/Psych crossover that has yet to be named...

So, you can tell by the title that we have not figured out a name yet. There seems to be a problem with the whole "I'm going to publish to FF.net today" idea I had. You probably already know this, and I was an idiot to forget, but you have to wait two days before you can publish a story. That's such a stupid rule. Anyways, you guys are the first to see the chapter.

I know most of you are SK fans, but I'm pretty sure you all know about Percy Jackson, right? Well, I hope so, cause the Percy Jackson world is the first chapter!  Here are some things you need to know about the setting:
-If you have never read Percy Jackson, it's okay to read this (as long as you don't mind spoilers). I've tried to explain everything within the text (as much as I could).
-In the PJO world, this takes place the summer of BotL, about 2 weeks after the Battle at Camp Half-Bood

Also, love-serenades betaed this. If you read PJO fanfic, check her out!
 So, I hope you enjoy!!!
Percy Jackson World
Percy's POV

The thing about being a demigod is that you're always being attacked, tested, watched or, in extreme cases, killed. And let me tell you, it's not fun. So, you can completely understand why I was pretty nervous and ticked off when Chiron told me the news.
It was late afternoon, a few weeks after Annabeth and I returned from our quest in the Labyrinth, and Thalia, Annabeth, Grover and I were chilling by the canoe lake, talking about Thalia's recent ventures and how the Hunters were going to pulverize the campers in the next Capture the Flag game (which was a complete lie). The conversation was going smoothly, and would continue doing so as long as we avoided anything related to Luke.
That was a touchy subject, especially for Annabeth. Luke's a son of Hermes and the former head counselor of Cabin Eleven. He, Annabeth, and Thalia were all friends before they came to Camp Half-blood, along with Grover, a satyr who was their escort at the time. After a few messy complications, Thalia turned into a tree for awhile (that's a back-story that I won't get into right now), and Luke and Annabeth stayed as year-round campers. But two summers ago, Luke sided with Kronos, the evil Titan Lord who was planning to overthrow the Greek gods, and pretty much tried to kill me and my friends about a hundred times since then.
Annabeth still believes in him, even after he lied, manipulated, and tried to kill her. The idea still irritated me beyond comprehension, and when the topic of Luke surfaced in a conversation between me and Annabeth, it always ended up in a huge fight with ugly words being exchanged.
So, as I was dodging mines in the field that was our conversation, I didn't hear the gentle clops coming toward us.
I turned with a start as my hand reached for my magic pen-sword, Riptide, but retreated when I saw the face of the person who was approaching.
Chiron is a centaur and our teacher here at Camp Half-blood. From the waist down, he's a white stallion; from the waist up he's a middle aged guy with a scruffy brown beard and thinning hair. He wears a frayed tweed jacket that always seems to smell like coffee. He's pretty much the best teacher anyone could ask for- he's been training young heroes for millennia.
By the time Chiron was 10 yards away, Thalia and Annabeth had noticed him too, so we waited for him to approach and tell us what he came over here for. But that plan eventually failed because when Chiron did approach, he just stood there, staring at all four of us intently.
So finally I spoke up. "Uh, hey, Chiron, what's up?" He shifted his weight on his other leg, or legs, I guess. After hesitating for a moment, he finally said what he came here for.
"Zeus has summoned you four to Olympus."
Now, this shouldn't really have been a shock. I mean, with the war approaching in about a year, and the battle that was just fought on the camp's grounds, I should have guessed there would be some god/demigod interaction. But being sentenced up to Olympus, by Zeus himself? That was weird on its own, and Chiron's tone wasn't reassuring me.
"Why would my dad summon us?" Thalia questioned, her arms crossed over her chest, as if closing herself off from the conversation. Like most demigods, she had some issues with her godly parent. I mean, it's a given, since all they really do is ask us for favors and not talk to us. Of course it's not really their fault, but that's beside the point.
"You'll have to talk to Zeus yourselves for the answer to that question," Chiron responded grimly. His countenance easily told me that he knew what Zeus wanted, and that he wasn't going to tell us. I wondered whether it was because he swore on the River Styx not to, didn't want to tell us in such an open and public place, or he knew that if he told us, we wouldn't dare go to Olympus. I really hoped it wasn't the last option. "I recommend that you leave this evening; it's an urgent matter that needs to be addressed immediately. Good-bye and good luck." And with that, he trotted away, heading towards the Big House.
A silence settled over me and my friends for a few seconds, until Thalia finally said, "What the Hades was that about?" Which pretty much summed up what we were all thinking.
"I have no clue," I said as I started to rise to my feet. When it came to the gods, they were about as predictable as the tides, and it was better not to second guess them, because when you did, they tended to blow stuff up, and the "stuff" in question just might be you.
"Well, I'm going to head over to the Artemis cabin and get packing. I want to leave before it gets too dark," Thalia commented, sounding slightly annoyed, and with that she started jogging towards her designated cabin.
"I'm going to tell Juniper about the meeting, so she doesn't flip out," Grover told me, then gave me a knowing smile. "You know how she gets." He clopped off towards the woods. So it was just me and Annabeth walking towards the cabins area together.
The air seemed still as the silence between us engulfed me. For some weird reason, the mood between us seemed to be changing, like I had to watch what I said, or didn't say. Annabeth and I have been best friends since we were twelve, when we went on a quest together along with Grover to prevent the next world war, and we always told each other everything. But lately, I've started to notice things changing between us. Like how the topics Luke and Rachel, who's a mortal friend of mine that I met last winter, were avoided in conversations, and if they were brought up, it always ended in a fight. Or how, for some strange reason, I kept wanting to be around her, to talk to her, and whenever I did, my heart would do some pretty advanced gymnastic moves. I thought about the kiss on Mount St. Helens, when I was about to die. Was it possible that-
"You okay, Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth said, and I knew, without even looking, that she was smirking. I turned towards her, blinking as my ramblings were cut short. "You looked spacey. Though why I'm alarmed is slightly strange, since it's a usual look on you," she joked. Her smile was cheerful, but her gray eyes were looking analytical, as if trying to figure out why I was acting dazed.
"Umm.." was all I said, still staring at her. I looked away towards the mess hall, trying to figure out what I should say.
"Come on," she pried as she bumped into me with her shoulder. "We always tell each other everything." Which was a complete lie, as of recently. Thankfully, we finally reached the cabins area, and it was time for us to go separate ways, saving me the trouble of either lying to her or embarrassing myself.
"It was nothing," I said in what I hoped was an assuring voice as we stopped in front of each other. Because I wanted to leave as soon as possible so she couldn't pry an answer out of me, I said, "I'll see you in a little while." She nodded, her countenance skeptical, but she turned around and walked to her cabin anyways while I did the same.
The Poseidon cabin is super cool. It's long and narrow, with rough gray stone walls studded with coral on the outside- it looks as if the sea floor was ripped up and used to build the cabin. The inside was simple enough with walls that glowed like abalone, six bunks with cream-colored, silk sheets, a waterfall fountain with real salt water from the ocean, and- my favorite part- the ocean mist and the scent of the salty sea wafting through the open windows of the cabin.
Of course, it would have been even more beautiful if my clothes and trash weren't strewn all over the floor.
I started picking up some of my things so I could actually walk across the room to my bed. I took out my pen, Riptide, and set it on the dresser by my bed. What on earth did Zeus want to talk to us about?
The only time I've talked to the king of the gods personally was when I was 12, when I was returning his lightning bolt that was stolen, and he didn't seem like a pleasant person. Was he asking for us to do something as a personal favor, or did it involve Kronos's rising? I mean, Grover, Tyson ( my Cyclops half brother), Annabeth, and I had just gotten back from our quest in the Labyrinth and witnessed Kronos taking over Luke's body. Not to mention that Luke's- I mean Kronos' attack on camp had happened two weeks ago. Couldn't we get a break?
I sighed. The life of a demigod was never an easy or safe one.
I sat on my bed, thinking about things. About the war, about Kronos, about this clandestine meeting. About Annabeth. About my sixteenth birthday coming up in a little over a year, when I will decide the fate of the world. I was starting to feel foggy, so I sat up and headed over to the spring water fountain. I dipped my hands into the cooling water, scooping some up and pouring it on my face. Instantly, the water energized me, the water clearing my mind of its worries. I glanced at my watch- which was actually a magic shield that Tyson had made for me- and realized an hour had passed. I hurried over to my small mirror and started to rake a comb through my messy black hair, trying to make it look like I didn't just spend an hour laying in bed daydreaming when I really should have been getting ready.
I guess I looked pretty frantic, because when Annabeth came in, the first thing she said was, "Are you sure you're alright?" I looked over at her, surprised that I didn't even hear her come in. I studied her for a moment, noticing that she had her invisibility cap, in her pocket, her bronze dagger strapped to her belt, and a backpack slung over her shoulder. She looked ready to travel, and I wondered if Thalia and Grover were waiting on me.
"I'm fine," I assured her again as I went over to my dresser to get Riptide. Annabeth looked disbelieving as she raised an eyebrow. "Honest."
She sighed. "Okay." She walked over to me and grabbed the backpack that was lying on the floor. "Why is your backpack empty?"
"I don't need anything. It's just a meeting. And if I did need anything, I could just go to my apartment, it's right near the Empire State Building. I mean, all I really need is this," I said, as I twitched Riptide.
"Well, okay," she acquiesced, then walked over to my door, "Thalia and Grover said they would meet us at the crest of the hill, so we better hurry." I nodded, and followed her to the camps' borders, not knowing that what was about to unfold in the next hours were going to change our lives completely.
Olympus is one of the coolest places I've ever been to, though I don't think that's really saying much, since I'm not really a world-class traveler. It has this huge mountain that has these collections of multi-leveled buildings. Palaces and shrines clung to the sides of it, and at the peak for the mountain is the largest palace I've ever seen, complete with gardens, a market, braziers, and anything else you could imagine. I've been here two times before, but I am still speechless every time I lay my eyes on it. So, as my friends and I walked up to the main palace, I couldn't help admiring Olympus's great views, which helped the long walk up the mountain seem shorter.
As we neared the gigantic double doors that led to the throne room, I couldn't help but wonder what the Hades I was going to be doing. And when I walked through the already opened doors and into the throne room, boy, did I get an answer.
Zeus was standing in his mortal size, which was unusual. His blue pinstriped suit was immaculate and his stormy eyes told me that he wasn't in a good mood. Which, honestly, wasn't really that surprising.
The surprising part was the old guy standing next to him. He had a scruffy white beard that connected to his equally scruffy white mustache, a couple of wrinkles, shoulder-length wavy, white hair, and a golden metal eye patch. He had on golden armor and a flowing cape. Despite his age, he had an aura of power that immediately told me that this guy was a god.
"Welcome, young demigods." Zeus's voice boomed in the large, but empty, throne room. The old guy and Zeus waited for us to approach them, our strides echoing against the walls. We bowed respectfully towards the two gods, although I didn't really like Zeus in the first place, and I didn't know who the crap the other guy was.
"What's the reason you've called for us, Father?" Thalia asked, her voice strong and powerful- just like her dad's.
"There's a predicament approaching, one that could destroy the ages of the gods." The king of the skies said steadily. "But before I explain the problem, I must explain the situation. As you know, the Greek gods aren't the only immortals that exist."
"Hold up," I interrupted. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Are you telling me that you guys aren't the only gods?" Annabeth flashed me an irritated look that clearly said Can't you shut up for one in your life?!
"It's not really that surprising," Annabeth cut in, still glaring at me, "I mean, Grover, Percy, you remember Janus in the Labyrinth. Janus is strictly Roman."
"Now that you've mentioned it, it does kind of-sort-of make sense," Thalia said hesitantly. "I mean, think about it, what are the odds that the Greek gods are the only gods. What if other mythologies are real?"
"I really, really hope not," Grover mumbled, chewing his shirt.
"And why hasn't anyone ever, I don't know, mentioned this?" I demanded. "I mean if it's so obvious and not that important, why didn't anyone just tell us that there are other mythologies out there?"
"Because they didn't want demigods, or whoever believes the myths, to cross paths," Annabeth answered quietly, her stormy eyes looked like she was thinking a hundred miles a minute, deciphering the situation. She narrowed her eyes slightly at the old guy.
"But it's too late now. Two worlds have clashed," Zeus gestured to the old guy, who had been standing there evaluating us silently the whole time. "This is my cousin, Odin."
"He's from Norse mythology," Annabeth clarified for our benefit, "The king of Asgard, which is kind of like the equivalent to Olympus."
"You are very right, daughter of Athena," Odin said, his voice sounding slightly rusty, yet strong and commanding.
"Yes," Zeus spoke, his voice all but serious. "And we have an important task for the four of you."
I hoped you liked it!

And, again, Happy Birthday, Percy! This was dedicated to you!

Happy Birthday Percy!!!

Yes, August 18, Percy Jackson's birthday, Percabeth's anniversary, and the anniversary of the end of the Titan War. The day has come.

I've always loved celebrating character's birthdays. For one it gives me a day to look forward to, and second of all, it gives me inspiration and motivation to update a story or make a tribute.

So, for Percy Jackson's birthday, my friend, Juliet Spencer, and I have created a gigantic crossover that will rock this world.  You can find Juliet's blog here: http://psychlover.blogspot.com/. She has amazing posts and you should follow her ;) The following fandoms will be included in our story:

Percy Jackson

Sammy Keyes


I know I haven't written anything since, like, December, and the last thing I've written for Sammy Keyes is a year old, but I'm trying to get back into writing.

So, to find this awesome crossover, Juliet and I are making a conjoined fanfiction account, because it will be easier for both of us to access it. Our name is "TheObliviousElephants" (but this might change, we'll see). We'll also be posting the chapters on both our blogs, so you can read it here and comment, or go on FF.net and review...or both (which would be amazing!).

I don't know how much Juliet wants me to tell you about it, but it's pretty cool, if i do have to say so myself.

We were both on my computer, and we just started doing the whole "What if...happened?" or 'What if these characters met?" and everything sort of unraveled.

Pretty much, two worlds clash and the different characters work together to save humanity.

It's gonna be amazing!

I'm posting the first chapter today, just so you know.

OMGs! I forgot to announce! Check what's in the Demigod Diaries: Leo Valdez and the Quest for Buford!:

"Last chance, and I'll give you a hint. We'll begin by singing the Bacchanalian Jingle. You DO remember it, don't you?"
Leo's tongue felt like sandpaper.
Piper put her hand on his arm. "Of course he remembers it." Her eyes said, Run.
Jason's knuckles turned white on the hilt of his sword.
Leo hated singing. he cleared his throat and started warbling the first thing that came to his head-something he's watched online while he worked in the Argo II.
After a few lines, Candy hissed, "That is not the Bacchanalian Jingle! That is the theme song for Psych!"
"Kill the unbelievers!"


Sorry you had to see that.




Man, I love you guys!

Lots of love and all that,

Jenna-who is perfect for Leo Valdez-

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Justice Jack...I Need You...

You know what I hate?

Waiting for books.

I know most of you understand this. Heck, all readers have this problem. But, as the years have passed,  I’ve come to realize that sometimes, the wait can be fun…in a torturing way. I mean, the whole guessing what’s going to happen, getting excited about it and talking to other fans can be very exciting and make the release all more special and exciting. The buildup just makes the release date all more special. But I have now experienced a different type of waiting: Waiting for a new book that just came out.

For those of you who don’t know, I still need to read Justice Jack. I preordered it from Amazon, and it’s coming tomorrow. But still, it’s killing me.


I read all these comments about how amazing the book is, and some minor references, and it kills me; it breaks my heart.

Now, I know a lot of you have experienced this before (I know Steph had to wait awhile for NoS), but I usually get my books ASAP, when preordered from Amazon. Wedding Crasher and Night of Skulls, I got that night. Son of Neptune I had to go buy at Barnes and Noble that day because they couldn’t get it to me fast enough. But the problem is is that Barnes and Noble doesn’t have Sammy Keyes, at least in my area.

So, I just have to sleep one more night (it is currently 10:02 my time), and when I wake up, I’ll check my phone (I’ll get a message when it’s delivered), then, if my parents can’t pick up the mail in time, I will walk to my mail box. (My community’s mailboxes aren’t in front of our houses. Each house sections have a certain mailbox area that’s near them where all their mailboxes are together). Either that or I’ll have to wait for the afternoon if it’s not there in the morning. Then my dad will pick it up.

I might die.


On a completely unrelated note, my 4th of July was pretty boring. Monsoon season starts in July, and usually, it starts on July 4th. Now, AZ doesn’t really get any rain, and the fact that when it does, it’s on the fourth, is pretty irritating. This isn’t the first time it’s happened, it’s happened multiple times. So, fireworks were cancelled because of storm clouds/maybe some lightning. But my family did watch Thor.

Any who, I hope you all enjoyed JJ, and for those of you who haven’t read it yet, like me and Mrs. Billy Pratt/Juliet, I feel your pain.

Lots of Love and All That,


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Oh, Sammy, What you Do To Me...

I realized I haven’t talked about Sammy Keyes in awhile, which is kinda weird considering that I’m super excited for Justice Jack coming out in July. I have a feeling it’s going to be my favorite *Insert smile*. Justice Jack is going to be the first book coming out on my “waiting for the next installment” list…my two other books are in August and October. (Then in whatever month Sin City is coming out in).

Man, do I miss Sammy. I love that girl, honestly. She’s brilliant (which comes from Wendelin, of course) and overall an amazing role model. There have been so many times where I’ve had a terrible day, felt stressed, or have gotten into a fight with a friend or a family member, and I can just sit down and reread Sammy Keyes, and I will be Little Miss Sunshine again; it makes my attitude do a 180.  I could be freaking crying, and I’ll pick up a book, and in less than 7 minutes (sorry about that weird number, but it just seems right) I will be laughing my face off.

Like when Sammy said, “I hate the way Danny laughs. It's one of those forced, kind of hacking laughs that sounds like a lawn mower that won't start. Ha-ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha. Like he needs a new spark plug." I cracked up when I read that- just the way she words stuff is amazing. (Actually, it’s technically Wendelin’s amazing wording, but Sammy IS real, no matter what people tell me!). Billy cracks me up as well, -"Is that a person?" Holly whispers. Billy's voice comes out all hoarse when he says, "That's no person. That's a beast." It might not be the “oh my gosh I am going to cry because this is so funny” stuff that people usually laugh at, but it’s so Billy, ya know?

Or when Casey, Marissa and Sammy have that one conversation: -
"Look," Casey says, "I don't know why we're acting so guilty. It's not like we really did anything wrong."
Marissa drills him with a look. "Ever heard of trespassing?"

I sling my arm around her and raise an eyebrow at Casey. "Yah, man. Ever heard of trespassing?"

It’s the kind of humor that you HAVE to know the characters and the story to understand why it’s funny. My little sister seriously knows a lot of the plots from my books that she hasn’t even read yet because I talk about them so much. Is that healthy? I think not.

Anyways, sometimes I just have to tell someone a joke/something that was funny in Sammy Keyes, and my little sister is usually the victim. But she’ll just stare at me and just have a question mark on her face. Now that I think about it, it may not be the joke that puts that look on her face, just my absolute freakish love for the books.

But the way Sammy words stuff reminds me of how I word stuff-in my head at least. I am mixture of Sammy and Holly-I have no Marissa in me whatsoever.

I have to share something with you. Yes, you. I’ve had a couple dreams…about 4 times. It has the same…plot, I guess you could say, but different settings. Well, in my dream, I was reading a book. That was my whole dream, reading that book. But I remember being so engaged in it, and that is was amazing. (One of the dreams was me reading the Demigod Diaries, but the rest were Sammy Keyes) and then I woke up and realized it was a dream, and I almost…cried. Yes, there were potential tears in my eyes, because I didn’t want to wait for months for my books. (Speaking of that, I seriously need to preorder Justice Jack…crap! How could I forget…again?)

I also had a dream last summer I believe, and it was a dream involving The Son of Neptune and a Sammy Keyes book (I think it was Wedding Crasher). Well, in the WC part, there was fire in a house, and Sammy and I think it was Marissa had to go into a burning building and they almost got murdered by a fat old man, but that’s not important. The important part is is that my books have become so…apart of my life, that I dream about them.

And you know what’s worse? (Okay, not worse as in worse) My family knows that if I’m super excited or jumping around squealing like a little girl, it’s because of my books. When I get mad, my mom seriously goes and tells me to go read a book (mostly Sammy Keyes) to cool off. Not to watch TV or listen to music like most people would do, but read.

And the reason I’m telling you all this is because I know a lot of you are like me-crazy book lovers. (Mostly Sammy Keyes, is it me, or have I been saying that a lot?)

Books give you so much wisdom, in my opinion. Wendelin’s recent post on her blog talked about how one of the major things you need in a successful story is a theme, and I think that’s very true. For me, I love to write thought provoking stories or fics; stories that have a purpose to it. If a book doesn’t make you think, then it’s a failure in my opinion. Being able to write, and to put your thoughts out on paper in a meaningful and clear way is talent. I mean, I have no talent when it comes to art-no way. I get so frustrated when it comes to trying to display my thoughts and heart into something tangible. I can’t do it. But the way I do it is through words. Writers are so creative; it takes a lot of talent to be one. It takes even more talent to be a writer who challenges the thoughts of the reader. Words can be so powerful, and, in my personal opinion, even more powerful than seeing it on a TV screen. (That might just be me though). I mean, with words and in books, I feel like I personally know the characters, that I’m there with them, going through the same struggles they are, feeling the same things as them. And to be completely honest with everyone, words can make me cry- and I mean cry. They’re just so powerful, and convey so much emotion.  It takes an artist is craft words into something that’s so powerful, thought provoking and life changing. To me, Wendelin is artist.

I know a lot of you SK fans have cried at WVD’s work (I know I have) and it’s always challenged me or given me hope in situations.

So that’s why I am giving Wendelin Van Draanen an award that doesn’t really exist (except in my heart). And that award is called The Best Overall Author Award (Or the TBOAA).I’ll come up with a better title later I think, but it’s pretty much what it sounds like ( The keyword being Overall). WVD is the best overall author because not only is she a great writer, but she uses her experiences to teach readers lessons, encourages aspiring writers, writes original and inspiring characters, and actually cares about people and her fans.

So, Wendelin, congrats, because you have made an imprint in life with your novels and blog. An imprint that no matter what, cannot be filled nor forgotten.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

There are just TOO many Questions...

Is that the cover and FULL first chapter of mark of Athena? Heck yes. But here's the thing, check out this little, um, summery thing:

In a fantastical ship called the Argo II, seven demigods journey by air across the United States and by sea to Rome on their quest to defeat the earth mother, Gaea. Meanwhile, war is breaking out between the Roman and Greek demigods they left behind, and only Annabeth holds the key to restoring peace.

Look at that last sentence. Stare at it. Well, that's not confusing, right? I thought Jason, Annabeth, Leo and Piper were the only ones on the Argo II. It's pretty much says, right? In the first chapter? So what Greeks are they leaving behind? And another disturning thought: This little summery makes me think that Annabeth stays behind. I REALLY thought Annabeth was the last member of the seven. What if someone else is the 7th, and Annabeth is there in New Rome trying to stop the Greeks and Romans from killing each other. I mean, wouldn't it make sense to have one of the POVs to be someone who as at the Roman camp the whole time so we can see their progress? But then what about Annabeth having to find the Doors of Death...Hera/Juno said that Annabeth had a very difficult job ahead of her and that she didn't know if she could handle it. What if that Job is uniting the Greeks and Romans. But then why would Annabeth cause trouble for Percy, like Hera/Juno said she would? This is just so confusing.

And then the cover? Hey, is that Percy and Jason fighting? That'll be exciting-but Percy will win. It appears that Percy is riding on Blackjack and Jason maybe on his storm spirit horse from the Lost Hero. Rick says that this is a real scene. I wonder if the water and storm  under them will actually be there in the scene-you know, like them using their powers?

Okay, so, if order for a fight to occur, there needs to be tension and such, right? So...who will start the fight? I'm leaning more towards Jason, and not just becuase I like Percy better (which is totally true) but because Percy has never really started a fight unless someone either 1. Was a jerk to him (Clarisse/Nancy Bobofit) 2. Was a jerk to his friends (Matt/ Nancy) or 3.Endangered his home/he was forced to fight/Betrayle (Kronos/Luke). So, Percy's not one to initally start a fight, right? I mean, there was Ares, but he had it coming-he freaking stole the Lightning Bolt and almost killed him, his friends, and his family. So...what did Jason do to him? I mean, Jason could be frusterated about the Praetor thing- Jason after all was dressed like a Praetor, even though he got replaced, talk about embarassing- and...that Percy found the Standard, and brought honor back to the 5th Cohort, when Jason couldn't. Man, Jason's life kinda sucks right now, but I don't feel empithy- after all, he got it way nicer in LH then Percy did in SoN, so ha.

I just found this FULL summery on Rick's blog:

Annabeth is terrified. Just when she’s about to be reunited with Percy—after six months of being apart, thanks to Hera—it looks like Camp Jupiter is preparing for war. As Annabeth and her friends Jason, Piper, and Leo fly in on the Argo II, she can’t blame the Roman demigods for thinking the ship is a Greek weapon. With its steaming bronze dragon masthead, Leo’s fantastical creation doesn’t appear friendly. Annabeth hopes that the sight of their praetor Jason on deck will reassure the Romans that the visitors from Camp Half-Blood are coming in peace.

And that’s only one of her worries. In her pocket Annabeth carries a gift from her mother that came with an unnerving demand: Follow the Mark of Athena. Avenge me. Annabeth already feels weighed down by the prophecy that will send seven demigods on a quest to find—and close— the Doors of Death. What more does Athena want from her?

Annabeth’s biggest fear, though, is that Percy might have changed. What if he’s now attached to Roman ways? Does he still need his old friends? As the daughter of the goddess of war and wisdom, Annabeth knows she was born to be a leader, but never again does she want to be without Seaweed Brain by her side.

Narrated by four different demigods, The Mark of Athena is an unforgettable journey across land and sea to Rome, where important discoveries, surprising sacrifices, and unspeakable horrors await. Climb aboard the Argo II, if you dare. . . .

So why does Athena want revenge? Hmmm, maybe Annabeth will come along...
I would love to hear any ideas you guys have on Mark of Athena!

So, apparently Steph is not blogging anymore. For those of you who didn't know and were wondering where the heck she went, she's quitting Blogger and all that. She also said she's probably not going to keep up with us :'(. Steph, I already miss you!

So, I was really bored, so I did some Quizilla things and got some pretty messed up answers. No joke. Some of them are like that, and some of them are just me.


What kind of oatmeal are you?

You are plain oatmeal!

There's nothing special about you!
You are as bland as babyfood! Yuck!
Old people don't even want to eat you.

(I've been told that...)

What is your inner hair color?


You got the smarts! You got the grades! But you gotta open up! Let people get to know you! Socialize! You are so talented and your going to be very successful! Stand up to those bullies and say, "You know what? One day I'm gonna be your boss!" Keep up the hard work!

(That one is actually very true, I do school, don't like people-I think i'm backwards)

Which Form Of Matter Are You?


Your a liquid. This means your very moody. You probably find yourself bouncing from laughter to tears frequently. That's not always a bad thing though. Being moody makes you more of an interesting person, spending a day with you is like an adventure to others. That's because you can be very random or spontaneous at times. Like a solid, your very cool and relaxed. But, you can be quick to anger. And when your angry, nobody wants to mess with you.

(very true...)

What's your best quality?


Your best quality is that you're intelligent, emotionally and in exams. You know how to get out of tricky situations, what you want and where you're going, and you know who your real friends are.

(Yep, I know exactly what I'm going to do in life and who to trust...)

Which Hunger Games Guy Should You Date?


The best friend is where your heart belongs. You often go for guys that your close to and can trust with anything.

( To Juliet/Mrs. Billy Pratt: HAHAHAHA!!!! ;))

What word describes you


You are a person of success. You will make something big in this life and let everyone know that you are you.

(I'm an over Achiever is the problem- for some reason I like getting super high grades- I freaking got a 96%, two 98% and a 99% in my honors classes this semster- and last semeter (in the fall)I got about 100.2% and a 105% in two of my classes. I think I have a strange addiction, I mean I do extra credit for fun-that's not weird at all...)

What Avenger Would You Date

No One

You got no one! Your man has literally no qualities to him. He's like the faceless Prince Charming of Cinderella. So what if he has no flaws? He has no personality, either. Take this quiz again, and be more specific of the type of man you want.
(Wow, I have clue how I came up with that answer, becuase I don't want a Prince Charming.)

What makes you beautiful

You're persistant

Nothing can stop you from accomplishing wan you need or want to. You'll never give up if you believe wants right. Keep it up!
(Why thank you)

What Colour Is Your Aura

You have a blue aura!

Your aura is blue, like the sky on a sunny day, or the ocean. You are a very calm and relaxed person. You probably find yourself daydreaming in your spare time, or thinking about the future. You pay close attention to your emotions, and to others emotions as well. You like to care for others, and help other individuals with their problems. Others probably come to you often seeking advice about life because of your well thought out and caring answers. You can be described as being a dreamer, or a thinker. Your lucky stone is the sapphire, and you are ruled by the lungs.

(Part of that is true-I'm not actually that caring. I am a think though, very much so. I also daydream :))

Based on you Personality, What US State are you?


You don't stand out much, you roll with the flow. People don't mess with you as long as you don't mess with them. Lots of people know you. Awesome :)

(Wow...I knew I always liked Delaware...)

Which character are you from Sammy Keyes


You are most like Holly!Holly used to live with foster parents for a long time until she decided to run away from them...She then ended up living a box on the dried up riverbed...But thanks to Sammy(who found her and gave her a home) she now lives with Meg and Vera at the Pup Parlor!And she goes to school again!She also hates Heather Acosta...She also helps Sammy figure out the mystery's!She is usually up for anything!

(I'm a mixture of Sammy and Holly. I have Sammy's nosiness and her.. I don't know what you would call it, but I am partically Sammy (minus the getting into trouble part) and and part Holly (good student, careful ect). And, like Holly and Sammy, i am a thinker and refelector.

What Character Are You From "Percy Jackson & The Olympians"

You Are Annabeth!

You Are Smart, Loyal, Kind, Caring, Trustworthy, and Mature! You Are One Of Athena's Daughters! You're Best Friends Are Percy, Grover, and Thalia. You Despise Luke, and Can't Stand Anyone Who is Evil!
(Yep. That's me. And I am totally a Daughter of Athena.)

Yep...so that's  pretty much it. Oh, and that Monday (May 28) was my birthday and I turned 15. I'm getting sooooo old.

Lots of Love and super amazing stuff,


PS: I am actually working on a oneshot that I hope to put up soon, in case anyone wanted to know.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mark of Athena Sneak Peek (The Real sneak peek)


1) What do you think Athena's "present" to Annabeth is?
2) What do you think their arguement was about?
3) What is that terrible thing  that Annabeth is feeling?
4) What do you think about Annabeth's POV?
6) Anything else I missed cause I was spastic!
Now, I will go die.
OH, and I think I have Sammy's birthday down :). I have the date and month, I just need the day it is.

Yeah, that's about it.

(I have no why this portion is in italics. I can't take it off. Wouldn't it be embaressing if this wasn't in italics on blog? Man.)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

MoA Sneak Peek? WHAT?!


I am doing research even if I Lots of projects.

I might die.

(Sorry for the spaz out)

(READ THIS!!!: (http://rickriordan.blogspot.com/2012/05/serpents-shadow-is-here.html)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

I have an important question for ya'll.......

Okay, I have a question. It's Sammy Keyes related and has to do with Snake Eyes. Does Sammy tell Hudson about Casey being the one who proves her innocence and how he's keeping her skateboard hostage?

And does she tell Hudson about going to the dance with Casey, or how things are weird between them in CHC?

I didn't know who to ask, because you guys are the only SK fans I know (so sad). I don't have those books with me, and I can't remember. Thanks!

(The reason I'm asking this is because I'm writing a fanfic My Sammy/Cammy obsession is back!!!!)

-Mrs. Leo Valdez (Although right now I'm Casey obsessed!)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I have been Healed.

I feel like crying. No joke. I just can’t wait for my books.  Now you have to understand, it’s SAMMY KEYES AND THE POWER OF JUSTICE JACK I am obsessed with reading right now.
My obsessions change over the year. When one of my books is coming out in a month or two, or I get news on it, I flip out. I’ve been waiting for the next Sammy Keyes and Heroes of Olympus books to come out since October. I was obsessed! I couldn’t focus; it consumed my mind. Then, the Hunger Games movie was coming up soon (which held off all my other obsessions for the entire month of March.)
Now, when I have an obsession, I usually read fanfiction or reread the books again. And I have something to admit. Lately I’ve been more obsessed with Heroes of Olympus than Sammy Keyes. I mean, HoO CONSUMES MY MIND EVERY SINGLE MOMENT!!!! I mean seriously. During geometry (during a test mind you), science, in Health, on the bus, on my way home, when I got home, Heroes of Olympus has been on my mind. Mostly, the Percabeth reunion. (What? I’m only a human. Scratch that, I’m only a fan-girl.) I haven’t been thinking about Sammy as much. And I feel guilty, because I LOVE Sammy Keyes. And I don’t know my obsession with Sammy hasn’t been as frequent. Maybe it’s because The Mark of Athena will answer A LOT of questions I have and has been a lot of talk on the internet? I don’t know.
But I was worried. Very worried. Why, you might ask? Well I’ll tell you why: I was afraid I was growing out of Sammy. Which is weird, because I’m not old (I’m a freshmen, and there’s Steph and Sammy4ever who are older than me and still Sammy crazy) and it’s out of character for me to do that. It’s never happened to me before.
But guess what?
I’m not crazy!
I just needed a reminder of how much I love Sammy.
A few days ago, Steph and Kylie (at least, that’s her name on Blogger, her FF.net name is different) said they got it (JJ) and Steph talked about JJ (not a lot, but she talked about it) And guess what? I freaked out.
I need this book.  July! I need July to come! And I envy you Steph and Kylie. I do. And I know you can’t give any spoilers. At all. And I know that must be hard (because if it were me I would die), but REALLY!!!??? I might die. Steph already said that JJ was maybe 20-ish? And that it takes place in early December, maybe. And that has satisfied some of my hunger (weird questions/facts I wanted answered, but hey, I needed to know and it’s been bothering me)
And I know Wedgewood is part of the crime (courtesy of WVD’s blog) and that Sammy isn’t really a big fan of JJ, but her friends are, and that the Elvis Impersonator is back. But I need to know those Cammy moments!!! (Which I know you can’t tell me, of course), but are they sweet!? AWWW!!!!  Man, I need me some Cammy. And I can’t wait to see Sammy having a fan. It’ll be sweet. (How was having her have a fan?)
I need this book.
I came down downstairs this afternoon and I told my sister and mom that I was about to cry. They asked why. I told them that I couldn’t wait for my books. Then, I went in a detailed description of when all my books were coming out (All the HoO books and the rest of the SK series). Then I died.
Just joking. Only part of me died.
So, since “The Showdown in Sin City”’s prologue is out and it says that Sammy barely knows her father, most of our ‘Sammy’s dad’ predictions are dead. No Officer Borsch. Not Andre. Probably not that one guy from Art of Deception. And it might be a guy we’ve never met before. Hmmm.
Which sucks for us.
And you know what else?
I still wanna know who goes on the Cruise. Will it just be Sammy and her dad? Cause if it is, well, there’s no Billy and Casey.  *Insert depressed face*.
Steph said she felt that JJ was “Billy’s” book. Then SSC (Showdown in Sin City) is Heather’s book. Then Killer Cruise is Sammy and her Dad’s “book.”
I have a question for ya’ll. Did WVD say that the last book is probably going to be other people’s POV? If it is, I will scream. I need a Casey/Billy POV. Maybe Dorito’s POV!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!
But anyways….again.
I would like to say that my Sammy obsession has returned! I just needed a kick in the butt and a wakeup call. (Which was the realization that JJ is 3 MONTHS AWAY! And Steph’s post on JJ and Kylie just being cool like that.)
So thank you.
Now, on a completely unrelated note.
I know it super late, but the Hunger Games was amazing. If you STILL haven’t seen it, I feel sorry for you. I loved it. Apparently Gary Ross isn’t returning (sad day).
And I haven’t been updated on the Sea of Monsters movie (I haven’t checked in 2 months or so) and found out they have some of the characters! This is from IMBd.com (which is pretty reliable) and some other websites. These are the main castings:
This is Clarisse: Leven Rambin. Now, she played in the Hunger Games (Glimmer) and although she doesn’t have stringy brown hair or look strong and, well, like an Ares child, I think she could do well. Leven has bigger bones and looks strong (in a girlish way). You can be pretty but fierce.

                                                                                    (She’s the one on the WAY right)

        This is Tyson: Douglas Smith. I’ve heard he’s actually big (Maybe 6 ft?) and he’s playing a 7th grader, so he’s big enough and I feel that no one I knew (actor wise) could be a better pick.

This is Thalia. She is played by Paloma Kwiatkowski.I think it  was a good pick (Thalia’s what? 14/15 in SoM? Plus, by the end of the series, she can’t look super old)

Chiron is being replaced by Anthony Head:

 And Hermes is being played by Nathan Fillion:

If you want to see the Gray sisters or whatever, here’s the website: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1854564/
Anyways. Last weekend I had a lot planned. I was going to work on my school projects, write, update MLWN and maybe some PJO stories….but I didn’t. You know why? I stalked the Hunger Games cast all weekend. I watched LOTS of interviews and such. I love Clove and Foxface. I have to say. I love district 2 (in the 1st book). I love District 4 in the 2nd book. I also love District 12 (or course).

I love you all. I hope you all had an awesome weekend. I hope you have an awesome week. But most of all, I hope something beautifully Sammy Keyes happen to you (that didn’t make sense, did it? Oh well, I have no idea what I meant anyway. Well I did, but…never mind.)
I love you.
-Mrs. Leo Valdez