Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Chocolate Frosting and Graham Crackers...Mmmmmm

I barley had any homework. that's a first. My math teacher, Ms. Snyder gives lots of homework.  I also don't have late start tomorrow.
For those of you who don't know what late start is, it's on Wednesdays (at least at my school) and instead of school starting at 7:30 like it usually does, it starts at 9. But here's the catch: We don't get random half days, or a lot of days off. But oh well. I'd rather be able to actually get a good night's rest one day a week. But sadly, we gots no late start tomorrow. Why, you may be asking yourself. It's all because of stupid Juniors. Literal stupid juniors. This week is AIMS (state testing things. Our's stands for Arizona Instrumental Measurement) and the juniors who failed the AIMS last year as sophomores, have to retake it and need extra hours during the school day.

Fantastic, right?

And why don't we have the day after Halloween off? Is there no compassion? Why do we have Labor day off? Martin Luther King Day? (Funny thing: When I was in, like, 2nd grade, you know how martin Luther King Jr day is abbreviates as "MLK"? I always thought it was MILK day, so i was always "Why is there a day for milk?!!!" It was that way for years...) Halloween is on the calender. That makes it important.

My mom's dressing up for Halloween. She's going in my old witch costume. My mom's small. She's 5'2 and 98 lbs. (why does "lbs" stand for "pounds"?) She's wearing a mask too. She can completely pull it off, it's gonna be funny. More candy for me and my older siblings I'm going as Cleopatra. Oh yeah.

But anyways, my friend is going as a Goth chick. My friend, Julie, claims to be emo. Which she's not. Defiantly not. She dresses WAY too preppy, and I call her a poser sometimes. Okay, I know, not the nicest thing I'll ever say. It's just that she gets on my nerves and I can't stand wannabes, like Tenille and Monet...actually, didn't Tenille leave Heather? Hmmm.

Feeling dead right now.

Really dead.

Like that Ofelia girl...

Hey! Castle was on last night! I gotta watch it tonight :) and Psych is on WEDNESDAY!!!! I have to watch it Thursday though, because I have youth group tomorrow night. Then on Friday is the final season of Chuck. Man.

My stomach just growled. I'm hungry. I could really go for some chocolate frosting and Graham crackers. Mhhhh.

I'm going to go find some good Percy Jackson Fanfics to go with my food.

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