Saturday, October 22, 2011

Goal: Gotta Finish the Sammy Keyes and Percy jackson series no matter what!!!!

I know I'm REALLY late in talking about this, and I read the book right when it came out, but....SON OF NEPTUNE WAS AMAZING!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! Nico?!!!! Leo/Sammy!!!???? there's too much for me to say! Rick Riordan is a GENIUS!!! And Night of Skulls came out exactly one week later. I thought I would get it that Saturday or something, because that was the estimated delivery date on Amazon, but I got it THAT evening, the day it came out. I was flipping out. I missed Cammy :')

Now I have to wait till March/May for the Power or Justice Jack, and a year for the Mark Athena. GRRRRR! I am COMPLETELY impatient when it comes to books.

Then there's the HUNGER GAMES MOVIE in March!!!! I'm being tortured!!!!

And you know what else sucks, is that if the world does end in 2012, I spent majority of my life in school. What a waste of a life, right? And, even worse, I won't be able to finish the Heroes of Olympus series or the Sammy Keyes series. I'll only read the Power of Justice Jack, maybe Sammy Keyes and the 'Waywaed Parents' (at least i might find out Sammy's dad) and the Mark of Athena. Dang it!
...not that I believe in the 2012 thing. I actually find it funny. My mom has a Mormon friend who's throwing a storage party or something, to, you know, teach and show the people how to stock up on food for win December 2012 comes, and my mom is going. Ha! She doesn't really believe in that stuff though...I think she's just going to humor herself. I'll be laughing my face off at the people who will be in the mountains because they searched for higher ground, sold their house, and spent bank on food, when 2013 comes around. It'll be great.

Anyways, my mom does daycare, and we are working/helping out at one of our kids (she's after school. she's in 1st grade) birthday parties. It has a Halloween theme and we have to dress up. I do not wanna dress up.
First off, I'm not one of those "I'm too cool to go trick-or-treating and dressing up, that's for little kids" types of people. In my opinion, those people are idiots. You go try to be cool while I get to goof off and eat candy. Ha!
Sammy keyes still trick-or-treats! I have friends whose mom said they were too old to go trick-or-treating, and they're 14 and 15. My 22 year old sister is going trick-or-treating with me and my little sister Jo. You are NEVER to old to get free candy.
Wow, that was a tangent. Anyways, like I was saying, I don't really wanna go and dress up. I'm tired. I wanna read Sammy Keyes and Percy Jackson. It makes me depressed.

And another thing, MY LIBRARY CLOSED!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Okay, maybe not permanently, but still. It's closed till, like November 7, and it's been closed already for a couple weeks. They're remodeling it. I have 0 access to Sammy Keyes! I can read PJO online (the reading the.....fanfics) but Sammy Keyes? I only have the 5th, 13th, and 14th books. I am DYING! This girl names Christina (a SK fan who has a blog called Wild Things) made we NEED to reread SK and the Sisters of Mercy and the other books. I am DYING! and i still need to finish two books and write an essay on them.

Which reminds me! I bombed me essay test thingy in English yesterday. We just finished To Kill a Mockingbird (great book by the way) and we had to find 4 quotes that showed sexism, racism, ageism, classim ect, and how the characters were affected and explain them. That was for the first 2 body paragraphs. the third one was about what 2 quotes inspired us to think about real world solutions to prejudice and discrimination. All together, it was a regular 5 paragraph essay,  and we had 75 minutes.
I didn't finish. I was about 1/4 of the way through the third body paragraph when time was up. I needed time to gather me thoughts. I guess the muses weren't with me yesterday. Now, you have to understand. I am a straight A, honors kid. I have no life. I do all my school work because I feel sooooooo guilty if i don't do an assignment and i like to give 95% to everything I do, so this failure kinda depresses me. I have no social life. I hate people. they're annoying. My friends are annoying. My TRUE friends are characters in books (Leo Valdez, Percy Jackson, Sammy keyes, billy Pratt ect) I've been told I'm crazy and it's probably true. But anyways, again, I'm kinda sad.

I hope you're week was better then mine. First week back from Fall Break. I love you all!!!!

1 comment:

  1. What about your dear friend Juliet???!!! She's (i'm) not annoying!!
