Friday, October 28, 2011

They inspire, they comfort, they teach...Books, how I love thee

I felt so smart today and yesterday. Too smart for my own good. So here's the deal, yesterday, in Spanish 1, we had a guess speaker from this museum thing come in and talk about the Day of the Dead. I was one of the few people who knew a little about it, because it was in Sammy Keyes and the Night of Skulls. So I was all like 'isn't this this Holiday in which  people come to the graves of loved ones and have picnics and talk about the person and their life? And they bring things they loved?" And I also knew about the Candy Skulls. oh yeah.

And then today and yesterday, I knew all the things about Greek and roman myths. We went over the Olympians, and I knew all of their roman names and stuff, and this dude next to me thought I was freaking amazing, which I am :) Hahaha, just kidding...well sorta. Anyways, I knew all the myths and the whole Persephone/Hades story, and it just surprised at how much no one knows about Greek myths! They didn't know how to spell Aphrodite, and they took the whole class period getting over that the gods slept with their relatives. And I wanted SO bad to correct my teacher, because she said Aphrodite was created when Kronos' essence went into the ocean, but it was URANUS's essence when kronos defeated him. Boo-ya.

And then in the Kane Chronicles, the 2nd book? i learned that the first hours when you're sleeping, it's like you're in a coma, then the last few hours it's when you have dreams.

The point here I'm trying to make is that books can teach you a LOT! Tons of random facts that will make you look sooooo smart in the future. But it doesn't only teach you random facts, it teaches you life lessons.
Like, My friend was going a little boy crazy over this one guy she really likes(she still likes him now) and I felt like I was losing her to the Dark Hole of love...and I was sitting on my bus, and thought,
Oh my flipping word! I sound like Sammy  in Sammy keyes and the Art of Deception!!!! Marissa was going boy crazy over Danny, and she didn't know what to do!So I went through the book in my mind, looking for Sammy's solution to our problem. Hudson told her to let her be fascinated, that she would come back down from Cloud 9 soon, and i felt better. She's not AS Boy crazed as she was, just a little.

There are SO many other problems I have faced, and found the answers in my books. Sammy encouraged me that I should be who I want to be, and that you don't need to wear skirts and be a flirt to be super awesome. Percy Jackson showed me that it doesn't matter how good i did on a test, or if i was the best, all that mattered was if i tried my best, I'd be the best. The best I can possibly be is enough.

Whoever says reading is just for fun and to escape the world is dead wrong.


Books teach you, inspire you, give you companionship....

If you're like me, your best friends are book characters. I AM going to to marry Leo Valdez or Billy day. Well, Billy has Marissa now, soooo....I might just take Leo. hahahaha. I should change my name to Mrs. Leo Valdez, huh? :)

My book characters are my best friends. i don't know what I'd do without them.

They're inspiring, sweet, they can't get in fights with me, they're funny, they're rebels against society, like me.....I really wish they were real.

Do I sound like a loser who has no friends?

Cuz i totally am.

Okay, so i have friends, but I don't like talking to them. They don't text me and ask to hang out for a reason. they know it.

Plus, I'm having friend troubles. With Julie. She likes to beat me at everything. She always compares our math scores, and when she got 39/40 on the test, and I got 38/40 on the test, and she was all like "Hahaha. I got a better score." I yelled at her. I said she needed to shut the heck up, and that I didn't need her opinion or her score to know that I did a good job, and she said she meant it as a joke, but she's been saying it for a LONG time, so i told her she had a big mouth and to shut up.

She compares us all the time. She doesn't like to give me random compliments, and instead, like to secretly insult me.

Even i have to admit my older sister, Faye, is cool. She's a jeans and tee-shirts girl, doesn't really care about doing what's "in" and has a pretty strong mind and can kinda be violent. Like, I said, she's amazing, right? ;) haha. But I'm seriously lucky to have her as a role model. I mean, she inspired me to be all those things...well, they're mostly good. Julie doesn't have a sister. She only has a brother who's a senior who's a nerd who plays video games all day and never talks to her. I honestly think she might be a little jealous this I have an sweet family. we're all close, my parents are freaking fantastic, my mom makes actual meals for the family..she doesn't get that.

haha. But I mean, who says that!!! To their best friend!!!!

I'm about to blow a gasket.

I don't even know what the means.

I wish I didn't have to have friends.

Dropping that subject, I would like to share my Sammy keyes Obsession with you. How it all started.......


I was at the library with my mom and my younger sister, Jo. I was looking for a book, so I went to the tween section thingy. This was about 5th/6th grade, I can't remember.

My mom showed me a book, and it was called Sammy Keyes and the Wild Things. I was reluctant, because I didn't really like new book series because they always disappointed me.

I read it, and liked it, so I went in for another. ( don't know which one)

I didn't really care about Casey then. i didn't even remember even reading about him or Billy Pratt back then.

I stopped reading for some reason, we went to the library less and less.

I started back up in 7t grade, that or I started reading the books at the end of 6th grade and never really stopped reading bugs me that i don't know.

I remember reading Sisters of Mercy at the end of 7th grade and the Art of Deception too. I don't think I was too obsessed about the books then. But then Summer came. And I remember sitting in my sister, Faye's room reading Skeleton man and Moustache Mary. I was flipping out while reading them. That's when i really started liking Sammy keyes. I think the last book I read was Skeleton man. I was officially obsessed when I found SK fanfiction. Then I waited about a year or a year and a half for Wedding Crasher and then night of Skulls and now Justice Jack and then Wayward parents.

I have severe OCD!!!

*End of flashback*

Crazy right? It's always bugged me how i can't remember my Sammy Keyes journey. i cannot wait to be old and be able to look back at how crazy i was about SK and PJO. it's going to be beautiful.

So the point of this post was to say, Books inspire, not just to entertain, and whoever says else wise, I'll give him the old Sammy keyes/Annabeth Chase punch to the face.

1 comment:

  1. I felt smart too in spanish when we learned about the day of the dead. Night of Skulls knowledge, whadup.
