Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I was FLIPPING OUT today in English. Guess what we're going to be studying for the rest of the semester? MYTHOLOGY!!!! We doing, NORSE mythology, GREEK mythology, American Indian myths and Mexican myths. (Notice how Norse and Greek are all caps ;)) I CANNOT wait for the first two. Rick's starting up a series on Norse in 2015 or so, so i gotta get a head start ;) and who DOESN'T love Greek mythology. IT'S PERCY JACKSON BABY!!!!!

So, at the begining of class, we had to list all the gods, goddesses and myths we know. I was a beast. I listed all the Olympians plus their roman forms, Janus, Pomona, Nike, Hecate, Hypnos, Somnus, Nemisis,, Nut, isis, Horus, set, Osiris and all that jazz....then i went through all the PJO books in my mind, and wrote all the things Percy did that another hero did. (Perseus killed Medusa, Heracles killed the Neminian lion, he cleaned out those stall things, and the golden apple watcha-ma-call it.) It, again, was quite beautiful.

But there's so much that I don't know. Like, I don't know Theseus's and Odyssey's and all there stories. i know bits and peices, but the whole thing? Nope. So I'm hoping to learn a bunch of new stuff this semester!!! :D

And I have a question: Did Heracles get named after Herc? You know, HERAcles...? lol. Just Kidding, maybe not...or is he..?

And why does Percy and Annabeth use Hercules, the roman version? Is it like how the Romans call thantos Thantos? They call him by his Greek name?


OH! And when we were listing names of myth and god related stuff, we shared with the class, and this one dude sayed, "Percy Jackson" and the class is like "PERCY JACKSON!!!!!!!"

My teacher LOVES the PJO series too, and says that if you want to be an expert at Greek Mythology, read the series. That Rick Riordan knew his Greek myths amazingly.

And the reason why almost my whole class knows about PJO, is because at my old school, all the 6th graders read "PJO the Lightning Thief" for a reading assignment, and we all fell in love with it, and read the whole series.

This is when my Percy jackson Obbsession started.

It wasn't as...uh...severe as it is now.

Now, I'm a psycho maniac, and that whenever i hear/see/talk about percy jackson and flip out and start acting like a ADHD kid who's hyped up on Mountain Dew, and I'm already CRAZY when i'm on Mountain dew WITHOUT talking about PJO.

It's growing. my obbsession is GROWING!!!!!

This is my PJO story and how I got my severe Obbsession (Is there a term for that? I know In SK we say we have "OCD" which is "Obbssesive Cammy/Casey Disorder"):

I was introduced to PJO in 6th grade, and fiished the series in late may, when the last book just came out.

Once I finished the series, i was really depressed. I found fanfiction that december. Whwn I found, my obbssesion sky rocketed. I researched EVERYTHING PJO related.

I learned about the new HoO series in 8th grade (last year) read that, and am now currently obbsessing over mark of Athena.

That was actually pretty short. Sorry about that. my friend is coming over in a few mintutes for youth group, and i have to finish this.

I have a new Mark of athna prediction and I'll tell you about my SK Obbsession next post.

I gots to go!!!!

Love you lots,

Mrs. Billy Pratt

1 comment:

    Haha, I'm a HUGE nerd. I've had this creepy fascination with greek mythology and colonial america since I was little.
    btw, I love your blog(;
    and your name. That is genius.
    Mrs. Billy Pratt.
