Saturday, November 26, 2011

Greeks own Romans

I have not died! Trust me!!!

I went to Prescott (in AZ) for Thanksgiving (we left that morning) and I got back a few hours ago. I love Arizona. It's amazing. It's sunny, bright, you don't get natural disasters, and it doesn't snow. Yeah, it can get hot. About 115 degrees sometimes, but it's not bad. (only in the summer, but it's usually about 110 degrees or 105) It's nice in the winter, spring and fall. You can easily cool down in the summer.

AND it is really pretty up in Prescott. It's green (at least to me) and it's cool. It was 30-50 degrees while I was there.There's a picture of the camp/one of the cabins that we were at. It was my family, and 3 others. Total of about 24 people. We all know each other though, and it was like a big reunion. The camp's called UCYC. (United Christian Youth Camp) it was deserted and we got to use upper camp :)

But anyways. I just read a PJO fanfic called "I'll tell you later" by HiddenWorldWalker. It's about the "I'll tell you laters" Percy told Frank and Hazel in SoN.

It just reminded me about how Greeks own Romans's butts!!! You heard it in SoN! Greeks still had that one empire that started with a "B" when the Roman Empire fell!!! AND during the war, Greeks only had about 40 campers and 30 hunters, about a dozen or so Satyrs against kronos (who's more powerful than Krios) and Hyperion. AND they had to protect the mortals AND there was a city in the way AND there were TONS of ways to get on the island. Romans probably had about 200 fighters, they fought Krios (Ram horn dude, remember? he sucks?) Sure, they played offense, which might be harder, but did they have to protect mortals and did they have to watch out for buildings? NOPE!!!! Greeks win. Greeks battled 2 Titans, and a thousand monster army with less then 100 people. And protected mortals and fought around big buildings and fought drakons and that Sow/Pig that NO HERO HAS EVER BEATEN!!! Romans had over 200 people fight uphill and battle krios. bang. IN YOUR FACE!!!! Even the Romans were surprised Percy beat kronos in hand-to-hand combat.

Just thought I'd share.

And who else thinks the shipping would be totally hay-wire (or whatever it's called) if it went percy with Annabeth (duh). Leo and Hazel. Frank and Piper. Leo and Reyna. Highly wrong, and probably NEVER going to happen, but it made me laugh.
I really should be writing more, but Fanfiction is calling me. I really need to get writing on fanfiction AND my essay that I haven't even started that's due Monday.

I'm writing a fic where Percy comforts Hazel about the prophecy and how she thinks she's too young. You know, because she's 13 and Percy was told he would save the world at age 12? It's only friendship though.

Oh, and I was looking at some old photos. I was really cute when I was little :). I need to make a scrapbook or something, because they're just sitting in a box. Hey, I need an Art class to graduate, and I hate art, don't like doing things in front of large amounts (or even small amounts) of people (dance,Choir, theatre) so I might just do photography.

Until next time.

Monday, November 14, 2011


Okay, who else saw Sammy Keyes and the Power of Justice Jack's cover? Looks different, huh? But i like it, and Wendelin's speech/post was really inspiring. She's been doing different artwork for the past few books..okay, she's only done different covers for 2 books. But still, i kinda like the changes, it's like a big wrap up of the series. Which is very depressing. What will i do without Sammy?

Nothing. Cuz I'll be dead.

And did anyone else hear about the DEMIGOD DIARIES!!!!!!!???????


I was reading this fanfic, and in the author's note she asked if anyone else heard about the Demigod Diaries that was coming out. So I looked it up.

And I screamed. 

Check this out:

I can't breathe. here's the summery if you were too lazy to click on the link:

What dangers do runaway demigods Luke and Thalia face on their way to Camp Half-Blood? Are Percy and Annabeth up to the task of rescuing stolen goods from a fire-breathing giant who doesn't take kindly to intruders? How exactly are Leo, Piper, and Jason supposed to find a runaway table, dodge a band of party-loving Maenads (who just might be a little psychotic), and stave off a massive explosion...all in one hour or less?

With his trademark wit and creativity, Rick Riordan answers these questions and more in three never-before-seen short stories that provide vital back-story to the Heroes of Olympus and Percy Jackson books. Original art, enlightening character interviews and illustrated profiles, puzzles, and a quiz add to the fun in this action-packed collection that is sure to delight legions of loyal fans.

Who else just fainted. Aren't we all wondering/hoping for some Thalia/Luke on the run time. We need answers man!!! We need some Percy/annabeth questing as a couple, right?! And Leo, piper and Jason?! How come they get to go on TWO adventures, unlike hazel, Percy and Frank? BUT ITS STILL SUPER COOL!!!!!

....What if it's a scam.... I'd cry. But it's on AMAZON! if you can't trust Amazon (the online store, NOT Kenzie and Hylla), who can you trust, right? but it also says Power of justice jack is coming out in July.... hmmmmm.

Now, I'm not sure if you already knew this, and I'm the last to know, but this is the news i just HAD to share with the world.

I love you all, and have a good night!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

It's Robin Hood! It's Red Robin! No! It's RICK RIORDAN!!!!!!


I just saw Rick Riordan and the Son of Neptune on TV (Disney).  My sister said
"It's Rick Riordan!" I thought she said "It's Robin hood!" then I changed my mind and thought she said "It's Red Robin!" So I'm all like, "whatever" then i saw him. I screamed like a little girl and tackled her to the ground as she punched me- all out of excitement and i screamed as if I was Thalia falling off the Arch. I am still in shock. Completely shocked. Percy Jackson needs to be on TV...well it's kinda obvious it might be on Disney. the publisher is Disney Hyperion.

Just thought you'd like to know.
 It made my life.


I'm completely having the PJO and SK books lined up in the front row at my wedding.

Good news: Did I tell you about how i bombed my essay on To Kill a Mockingbird? Well i did, and she said a lot of people who did had their grades drop dramatically, so I figured I had to redo it and do the extra credit (with was to use a real Greek hero or make up your own and make a myth....I was going to ask her if i could use Percy Jackson :)) But........I STILL HAVE AN 'A' IN THAT CLASS!!!!!!!! Miracle!!!!!! Just thought I'd let you know.

I am currently obsessed with Foster the People, 'Lights' by Ellie Goulding, Coldplay and Arcade Fire. Great bands!!!

I really need to work on my fanfics. :/

That's it. I gotta watch a show then go to bed so i can wake up at 5 am. *Sigh* I just wanted to let you know my crazy spaz about seeing rick on TV. That's it.

Friday, October 28, 2011

They inspire, they comfort, they teach...Books, how I love thee

I felt so smart today and yesterday. Too smart for my own good. So here's the deal, yesterday, in Spanish 1, we had a guess speaker from this museum thing come in and talk about the Day of the Dead. I was one of the few people who knew a little about it, because it was in Sammy Keyes and the Night of Skulls. So I was all like 'isn't this this Holiday in which  people come to the graves of loved ones and have picnics and talk about the person and their life? And they bring things they loved?" And I also knew about the Candy Skulls. oh yeah.

And then today and yesterday, I knew all the things about Greek and roman myths. We went over the Olympians, and I knew all of their roman names and stuff, and this dude next to me thought I was freaking amazing, which I am :) Hahaha, just kidding...well sorta. Anyways, I knew all the myths and the whole Persephone/Hades story, and it just surprised at how much no one knows about Greek myths! They didn't know how to spell Aphrodite, and they took the whole class period getting over that the gods slept with their relatives. And I wanted SO bad to correct my teacher, because she said Aphrodite was created when Kronos' essence went into the ocean, but it was URANUS's essence when kronos defeated him. Boo-ya.

And then in the Kane Chronicles, the 2nd book? i learned that the first hours when you're sleeping, it's like you're in a coma, then the last few hours it's when you have dreams.

The point here I'm trying to make is that books can teach you a LOT! Tons of random facts that will make you look sooooo smart in the future. But it doesn't only teach you random facts, it teaches you life lessons.
Like, My friend was going a little boy crazy over this one guy she really likes(she still likes him now) and I felt like I was losing her to the Dark Hole of love...and I was sitting on my bus, and thought,
Oh my flipping word! I sound like Sammy  in Sammy keyes and the Art of Deception!!!! Marissa was going boy crazy over Danny, and she didn't know what to do!So I went through the book in my mind, looking for Sammy's solution to our problem. Hudson told her to let her be fascinated, that she would come back down from Cloud 9 soon, and i felt better. She's not AS Boy crazed as she was, just a little.

There are SO many other problems I have faced, and found the answers in my books. Sammy encouraged me that I should be who I want to be, and that you don't need to wear skirts and be a flirt to be super awesome. Percy Jackson showed me that it doesn't matter how good i did on a test, or if i was the best, all that mattered was if i tried my best, I'd be the best. The best I can possibly be is enough.

Whoever says reading is just for fun and to escape the world is dead wrong.


Books teach you, inspire you, give you companionship....

If you're like me, your best friends are book characters. I AM going to to marry Leo Valdez or Billy day. Well, Billy has Marissa now, soooo....I might just take Leo. hahahaha. I should change my name to Mrs. Leo Valdez, huh? :)

My book characters are my best friends. i don't know what I'd do without them.

They're inspiring, sweet, they can't get in fights with me, they're funny, they're rebels against society, like me.....I really wish they were real.

Do I sound like a loser who has no friends?

Cuz i totally am.

Okay, so i have friends, but I don't like talking to them. They don't text me and ask to hang out for a reason. they know it.

Plus, I'm having friend troubles. With Julie. She likes to beat me at everything. She always compares our math scores, and when she got 39/40 on the test, and I got 38/40 on the test, and she was all like "Hahaha. I got a better score." I yelled at her. I said she needed to shut the heck up, and that I didn't need her opinion or her score to know that I did a good job, and she said she meant it as a joke, but she's been saying it for a LONG time, so i told her she had a big mouth and to shut up.

She compares us all the time. She doesn't like to give me random compliments, and instead, like to secretly insult me.

Even i have to admit my older sister, Faye, is cool. She's a jeans and tee-shirts girl, doesn't really care about doing what's "in" and has a pretty strong mind and can kinda be violent. Like, I said, she's amazing, right? ;) haha. But I'm seriously lucky to have her as a role model. I mean, she inspired me to be all those things...well, they're mostly good. Julie doesn't have a sister. She only has a brother who's a senior who's a nerd who plays video games all day and never talks to her. I honestly think she might be a little jealous this I have an sweet family. we're all close, my parents are freaking fantastic, my mom makes actual meals for the family..she doesn't get that.

haha. But I mean, who says that!!! To their best friend!!!!

I'm about to blow a gasket.

I don't even know what the means.

I wish I didn't have to have friends.

Dropping that subject, I would like to share my Sammy keyes Obsession with you. How it all started.......


I was at the library with my mom and my younger sister, Jo. I was looking for a book, so I went to the tween section thingy. This was about 5th/6th grade, I can't remember.

My mom showed me a book, and it was called Sammy Keyes and the Wild Things. I was reluctant, because I didn't really like new book series because they always disappointed me.

I read it, and liked it, so I went in for another. ( don't know which one)

I didn't really care about Casey then. i didn't even remember even reading about him or Billy Pratt back then.

I stopped reading for some reason, we went to the library less and less.

I started back up in 7t grade, that or I started reading the books at the end of 6th grade and never really stopped reading bugs me that i don't know.

I remember reading Sisters of Mercy at the end of 7th grade and the Art of Deception too. I don't think I was too obsessed about the books then. But then Summer came. And I remember sitting in my sister, Faye's room reading Skeleton man and Moustache Mary. I was flipping out while reading them. That's when i really started liking Sammy keyes. I think the last book I read was Skeleton man. I was officially obsessed when I found SK fanfiction. Then I waited about a year or a year and a half for Wedding Crasher and then night of Skulls and now Justice Jack and then Wayward parents.

I have severe OCD!!!

*End of flashback*

Crazy right? It's always bugged me how i can't remember my Sammy Keyes journey. i cannot wait to be old and be able to look back at how crazy i was about SK and PJO. it's going to be beautiful.

So the point of this post was to say, Books inspire, not just to entertain, and whoever says else wise, I'll give him the old Sammy keyes/Annabeth Chase punch to the face.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I was FLIPPING OUT today in English. Guess what we're going to be studying for the rest of the semester? MYTHOLOGY!!!! We doing, NORSE mythology, GREEK mythology, American Indian myths and Mexican myths. (Notice how Norse and Greek are all caps ;)) I CANNOT wait for the first two. Rick's starting up a series on Norse in 2015 or so, so i gotta get a head start ;) and who DOESN'T love Greek mythology. IT'S PERCY JACKSON BABY!!!!!

So, at the begining of class, we had to list all the gods, goddesses and myths we know. I was a beast. I listed all the Olympians plus their roman forms, Janus, Pomona, Nike, Hecate, Hypnos, Somnus, Nemisis,, Nut, isis, Horus, set, Osiris and all that jazz....then i went through all the PJO books in my mind, and wrote all the things Percy did that another hero did. (Perseus killed Medusa, Heracles killed the Neminian lion, he cleaned out those stall things, and the golden apple watcha-ma-call it.) It, again, was quite beautiful.

But there's so much that I don't know. Like, I don't know Theseus's and Odyssey's and all there stories. i know bits and peices, but the whole thing? Nope. So I'm hoping to learn a bunch of new stuff this semester!!! :D

And I have a question: Did Heracles get named after Herc? You know, HERAcles...? lol. Just Kidding, maybe not...or is he..?

And why does Percy and Annabeth use Hercules, the roman version? Is it like how the Romans call thantos Thantos? They call him by his Greek name?


OH! And when we were listing names of myth and god related stuff, we shared with the class, and this one dude sayed, "Percy Jackson" and the class is like "PERCY JACKSON!!!!!!!"

My teacher LOVES the PJO series too, and says that if you want to be an expert at Greek Mythology, read the series. That Rick Riordan knew his Greek myths amazingly.

And the reason why almost my whole class knows about PJO, is because at my old school, all the 6th graders read "PJO the Lightning Thief" for a reading assignment, and we all fell in love with it, and read the whole series.

This is when my Percy jackson Obbsession started.

It wasn't as...uh...severe as it is now.

Now, I'm a psycho maniac, and that whenever i hear/see/talk about percy jackson and flip out and start acting like a ADHD kid who's hyped up on Mountain Dew, and I'm already CRAZY when i'm on Mountain dew WITHOUT talking about PJO.

It's growing. my obbsession is GROWING!!!!!

This is my PJO story and how I got my severe Obbsession (Is there a term for that? I know In SK we say we have "OCD" which is "Obbssesive Cammy/Casey Disorder"):

I was introduced to PJO in 6th grade, and fiished the series in late may, when the last book just came out.

Once I finished the series, i was really depressed. I found fanfiction that december. Whwn I found, my obbssesion sky rocketed. I researched EVERYTHING PJO related.

I learned about the new HoO series in 8th grade (last year) read that, and am now currently obbsessing over mark of Athena.

That was actually pretty short. Sorry about that. my friend is coming over in a few mintutes for youth group, and i have to finish this.

I have a new Mark of athna prediction and I'll tell you about my SK Obbsession next post.

I gots to go!!!!

Love you lots,

Mrs. Billy Pratt

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Chocolate Frosting and Graham Crackers...Mmmmmm

I barley had any homework. that's a first. My math teacher, Ms. Snyder gives lots of homework.  I also don't have late start tomorrow.
For those of you who don't know what late start is, it's on Wednesdays (at least at my school) and instead of school starting at 7:30 like it usually does, it starts at 9. But here's the catch: We don't get random half days, or a lot of days off. But oh well. I'd rather be able to actually get a good night's rest one day a week. But sadly, we gots no late start tomorrow. Why, you may be asking yourself. It's all because of stupid Juniors. Literal stupid juniors. This week is AIMS (state testing things. Our's stands for Arizona Instrumental Measurement) and the juniors who failed the AIMS last year as sophomores, have to retake it and need extra hours during the school day.

Fantastic, right?

And why don't we have the day after Halloween off? Is there no compassion? Why do we have Labor day off? Martin Luther King Day? (Funny thing: When I was in, like, 2nd grade, you know how martin Luther King Jr day is abbreviates as "MLK"? I always thought it was MILK day, so i was always "Why is there a day for milk?!!!" It was that way for years...) Halloween is on the calender. That makes it important.

My mom's dressing up for Halloween. She's going in my old witch costume. My mom's small. She's 5'2 and 98 lbs. (why does "lbs" stand for "pounds"?) She's wearing a mask too. She can completely pull it off, it's gonna be funny. More candy for me and my older siblings I'm going as Cleopatra. Oh yeah.

But anyways, my friend is going as a Goth chick. My friend, Julie, claims to be emo. Which she's not. Defiantly not. She dresses WAY too preppy, and I call her a poser sometimes. Okay, I know, not the nicest thing I'll ever say. It's just that she gets on my nerves and I can't stand wannabes, like Tenille and Monet...actually, didn't Tenille leave Heather? Hmmm.

Feeling dead right now.

Really dead.

Like that Ofelia girl...

Hey! Castle was on last night! I gotta watch it tonight :) and Psych is on WEDNESDAY!!!! I have to watch it Thursday though, because I have youth group tomorrow night. Then on Friday is the final season of Chuck. Man.

My stomach just growled. I'm hungry. I could really go for some chocolate frosting and Graham crackers. Mhhhh.

I'm going to go find some good Percy Jackson Fanfics to go with my food.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lassie is married to Amy Winehouse

We lost. 20 to 32. I'm pretty bummed, but it was nice to just go to the game. I'll admit, the Steelers are a good team. Really good. I think that's why i don't like them. They win too much. They're too popular. They remind me of the people at school who dress fancy shmancy, and do what's "in". I like underdogs. The people everyone thinks can't make it. The "losers". I actually connect popular people at school to the Steelers, and I do NOT like popular people, or people who dress to impress. I find them irritating a shallow. Okay, I know that the Steelers are a football team, and they aren't shallow and people who dress to impress, but I still connect them to popular people. My mind thinks of them as heather Acosta's or Danny Urbanski's And we know all about them. *sigh*

Anyways, I have stupid school tomorrow. Uhg. I really do not want to wake up at 5 am. I'm only getting 8 or 7 hours of sleep on the weekdays (besides Wednesdays, I have late start and get 9 hours of sleep) and I need 9-10 hours. I need my rest. And the worst part is, is that I can't sleep in anymore. I get up at 7 or 8 on Saturday. I hate my stupid routine.

Tim Burton's Corpse bride and Coraline are on tonight....I still can't believe Halloween is a week from tomorrow. My mind hasn't even processed that. I have braces, so I won't be able to eat a lot of my candy. I'm getting them off in about 5 months though :) I'll have them on for a year on November 1st. I got them on the day after Halloween. Oh, mom, you are a terrible planner.

I'm still missing Sammy Keyes. I really need to update my fanfics, but I'm just sooooooo lazy. I need Wendelin to post on her blog. Maybe she'll say something about Sammy Keyes or the new book. I need updates!!!!

I'm spacing out. I'm tired. I need sleep. I think school hours should be lessened. It's abuse to my mind. And what's up with homework on the weekends? Weekends are supposed to be days OFF of school. They're not days off if you have to bring school HOME with you. I don't think teachers get it. When i become a teacher, I won't give out much homework. Teachers who give out too much homework have way too much free time. Grading all those papers? They're either A) single with no life, or B)are married, but they're workaholics.

Too tired too move.

Who saw Psych on Wednesday? LOVED that episode. "Henry Spencer, where are your pants!?" "I'm not completely sure, Karen." I love Lassie. In my family tree I did for school, we could either make up a family with celebrities, or use our real family. I chose the celebrity family and had Lassie marry Amy Winehouse with no kids. and have my 22 year old sister marry Shawn and have me and my best friend. Ozzy Ozbourne was my grandpa, along with his real wife....

School really sucks.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Steelers=Heather Acosta

Okay, good news! I got out of the party! Yay!!! We said my mom was sick, which isn't a lie. She is. and i do NOT wanna work for free at a birthday party. Nuh-uh. And we're getting Chinese food! woot woot!

Tomorrow I am going to a football game. Cardinals vs Steelers. I gotta miss church though, sadly. I HATE THE STEELERS WITH A PASSION!!!! They remind me of Heather, or Drew-wait. i take that back. I love Drew (PJO series) She's so mean, it makes me love her...maybe it's because I'm not fond of piper. I don't know. But mostly, i love Leo Valdez and Billy Pratt. Heck yes.

I really should be doing homework and reading my English book but.....I love SK and PJO too much. I NEED THE LIBRARY!!!!!!!! I might go insane. help me.

Goal: Gotta Finish the Sammy Keyes and Percy jackson series no matter what!!!!

I know I'm REALLY late in talking about this, and I read the book right when it came out, but....SON OF NEPTUNE WAS AMAZING!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! Nico?!!!! Leo/Sammy!!!???? there's too much for me to say! Rick Riordan is a GENIUS!!! And Night of Skulls came out exactly one week later. I thought I would get it that Saturday or something, because that was the estimated delivery date on Amazon, but I got it THAT evening, the day it came out. I was flipping out. I missed Cammy :')

Now I have to wait till March/May for the Power or Justice Jack, and a year for the Mark Athena. GRRRRR! I am COMPLETELY impatient when it comes to books.

Then there's the HUNGER GAMES MOVIE in March!!!! I'm being tortured!!!!

And you know what else sucks, is that if the world does end in 2012, I spent majority of my life in school. What a waste of a life, right? And, even worse, I won't be able to finish the Heroes of Olympus series or the Sammy Keyes series. I'll only read the Power of Justice Jack, maybe Sammy Keyes and the 'Waywaed Parents' (at least i might find out Sammy's dad) and the Mark of Athena. Dang it!
...not that I believe in the 2012 thing. I actually find it funny. My mom has a Mormon friend who's throwing a storage party or something, to, you know, teach and show the people how to stock up on food for win December 2012 comes, and my mom is going. Ha! She doesn't really believe in that stuff though...I think she's just going to humor herself. I'll be laughing my face off at the people who will be in the mountains because they searched for higher ground, sold their house, and spent bank on food, when 2013 comes around. It'll be great.

Anyways, my mom does daycare, and we are working/helping out at one of our kids (she's after school. she's in 1st grade) birthday parties. It has a Halloween theme and we have to dress up. I do not wanna dress up.
First off, I'm not one of those "I'm too cool to go trick-or-treating and dressing up, that's for little kids" types of people. In my opinion, those people are idiots. You go try to be cool while I get to goof off and eat candy. Ha!
Sammy keyes still trick-or-treats! I have friends whose mom said they were too old to go trick-or-treating, and they're 14 and 15. My 22 year old sister is going trick-or-treating with me and my little sister Jo. You are NEVER to old to get free candy.
Wow, that was a tangent. Anyways, like I was saying, I don't really wanna go and dress up. I'm tired. I wanna read Sammy Keyes and Percy Jackson. It makes me depressed.

And another thing, MY LIBRARY CLOSED!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Okay, maybe not permanently, but still. It's closed till, like November 7, and it's been closed already for a couple weeks. They're remodeling it. I have 0 access to Sammy Keyes! I can read PJO online (the reading the.....fanfics) but Sammy Keyes? I only have the 5th, 13th, and 14th books. I am DYING! This girl names Christina (a SK fan who has a blog called Wild Things) made we NEED to reread SK and the Sisters of Mercy and the other books. I am DYING! and i still need to finish two books and write an essay on them.

Which reminds me! I bombed me essay test thingy in English yesterday. We just finished To Kill a Mockingbird (great book by the way) and we had to find 4 quotes that showed sexism, racism, ageism, classim ect, and how the characters were affected and explain them. That was for the first 2 body paragraphs. the third one was about what 2 quotes inspired us to think about real world solutions to prejudice and discrimination. All together, it was a regular 5 paragraph essay,  and we had 75 minutes.
I didn't finish. I was about 1/4 of the way through the third body paragraph when time was up. I needed time to gather me thoughts. I guess the muses weren't with me yesterday. Now, you have to understand. I am a straight A, honors kid. I have no life. I do all my school work because I feel sooooooo guilty if i don't do an assignment and i like to give 95% to everything I do, so this failure kinda depresses me. I have no social life. I hate people. they're annoying. My friends are annoying. My TRUE friends are characters in books (Leo Valdez, Percy Jackson, Sammy keyes, billy Pratt ect) I've been told I'm crazy and it's probably true. But anyways, again, I'm kinda sad.

I hope you're week was better then mine. First week back from Fall Break. I love you all!!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New Stuff

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for Son of npetune!!!! AHHHHHHH! Is Anyone else? When I saw the three excerpts I flipped! We found out who Reyna is!!!  Yeah. I cannot WAIT till October 4th! thats the date, right? Just checking.

Oh! and i can't forget the Night of Skulls in the sammy keyes series! which is coming out exactly a week after SoN! I hate October!!!!!! It makes us ait for everything!

And on March 23, 2012 The Hunger Games movie comes out!!! I cannot wait for that! I have high hopes! I personally think the cast is pretty good, at least it's not a PJO/Annabeth problem, right? I want to see it when it comes out, I'm dragging my sisters and mom!

So, as you might know, I am a book freak. I obsesse over all my favorite books, i distract myself from my school work! Which is not good cuz i'm in honors english and honors algebra, and they move fast, there's no time for daydreaming! I don't even have time to go on fanfiction anymore! I havent updated in MONTHS cuz the amount of school work i have! It's so frusterating! No free time what so ever!

Oh, and by the way Is Virals, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galexies, and Maximum Ride worth reading? Well, I have to read the Hitchhikers Guide no matter what (school project) but is it a good book? Hopefully.  Anyways, wish me luck on my Spanish, English and Algebra quizzes! Hope you have an awesome week!


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dude, I made a blog...

Hey everybody!Welcome to mine and my new blog! My name is Jenna,  I decided to make a blog because it seemed fun. Yep. So here I am.

I have a Fanfiction account and my username is TibbiToo, so you might know me from there is you read Percy Jackson or Sammy Keyes fanfics. I am a Percy Jackson and Sammy Keyes obsessed freak. No kidding. So yeah. I'll post more stuff later.